Sunday, January 6, 2013

Obama and the Destruction of America

"If Mr. Obama was in fact an enemy saboteur, trying to do everything possible to wreck America's economy, what would he be doing differently?  Not much.  This is even more disturbing because we know the Barack Obama is a man with a mysterious past and he used to be a "community organizer," that is, an anti-capitalist troublemaker. He apparently hates America and he is gradually weakening America's defenses."

Aside from the remarks on the stock market, this is everything you need to know about Obama.


  1. The U.S. is out of Iraq and soon to be ot of Afghasistan 2 unecessary costly wars, not to mention the loss of human lives.
    The stock market has doubled to over 13,000 since Obama took office, unemployment is down, and getting lower monthly, housing prices are starting to go up again, women can bow get life saving health serives provided for free, etc.
    In your own words, not Fox, Beck or Hannity's how exactly is Obama destgrying the U.S.?

  2. The last I checked, our country was attacked--it was war. it took 10 years to get the bum and the navy SEALS did it. Iraq was about weapons of mass destruction. What was Libya about?

  3. The DOW on January 4, 2008:
    January 4, 2008 12,800.18

    DOUBLED SINCE OBAMA? You guys can lie with a straight face.

  4. anony at 11:10.
    that is exactly the problem--for free. that is why this country is in the financial straights it is in. Stop with your hand out and ask if you are not part of the problem. The answer will be you are.
