Monday, January 21, 2013

Michelle with her bangs - If Looks could Kill

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This video is priceless. Behind every good man there is a good woman. President Obama wants to bring the two sides together but Michelle wants no part of it.


  1. She was just thinking to herself, Hmm, Johns Boehner`s wife`s dress is nicer then mine.

  2. Do you know what he was saying and what the First Lady was reacting to? No of course you don't you don't.

    I am tired of every little thing being taken out of context and folks who mindlessly pass it along.

    You have some good points in your blog Lynn and I agree with a lot of them. But this sort of thing is just silly. Give it a rest and stick to the facts please.

    I hope you post this!

  3. Realizing that Democrats have NO sense of humor, even though our exalted leader does have one even during these hard and trying times, this was for fun, anonymous.

    All the major stations carried it last night so they must have thought it silly as well.

    Perhaps Michelle Obama is just a little more human than most first ladies and doesn't mind getting caught on camera rolling her eyes at something the speaker of the house from the opposing party said, but it makes for a story nevertheless.

  4. Anonymous, hint, You`ll live longer with Humor in your life. Yes there is a time to be serious.
