Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Land Development Regulations within the City of Lake Worth


Planning Meeting Tonight with poltically stacked Planning and Zoning and HRP Boards

You will find how Staff and complicit politically appointed Boards are sneaking in heights all over our city. To accomplish the purposes of these LDR's, the City Commission shall divide the entire city into districts of such number and shape as may be deemed best suited to carry out the purpose of these LDRs, and within these districts may regulate, determine and establish:
  • a. Height, size, bulk, location, erection, construction, repair, reconstruction, alteration and use of buildings and other structures, for trade, profession, residence and other purposes;
  • b. Use of land and water for trade, profession, residence and other purposes;
  • c. Size of yards, and other open spaces;
  • d. Percentage of lot that may be occupied;
  • e. Density of population;
  • f. Conditions under which various classes of non-conformities may continue, including authority to set fair and reasonable amortization schedules for the elimination of nonconforming uses
  • g. Use and types and size of structures in those areas subject to seasonal or periodic flooding or storm damage so that danger to life and property in such areas will be minimized;
  • h. Performance standards for use of property and location of structures thereon.
  • i. Form based standards to encourage specific types of architectural form, mass, bulk and orientation.
All such regulations shall be uniform throughout each district, but the regulations in one district may differ from those in other districts. For each district designated for the location of trades, callings, commercial enterprises, residences or buildings designated for specific use, regulations may specify those uses that shall be subjected to reasonable requirements of a special nature. Section 23.3-2

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