Friday, January 4, 2013

John Boehner

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No wonder John Bohner got emotional. Party members are not loyal to party members. Look what the Republicans did to Allen West? You would have thought that West would have remembered that defection and ultimately what cost him his re-election. He did not vote for Boehner either.

One of the more interesting aspects of the Speaker of the House Election was that Allen West got two votes from two congressmen from Texas, Paul Broun and Louie Gohmert, to be the new speaker even though his term has now ended. Apparently there is no requirement that the Speaker be a member of the house.

Boehner recaptured the majority on a vote of 220, six more than needed for election. Nancy Pelosi got 192 votes. This means that several Republicans did not vote for him because he was not conservative enough?  What?  If you read the various accounts of what happened and who voted for whom, the numbers vary but the problem remains, some Republicans did not support their leader--they wanted their leader to adhere to conservative principles no matter what.


  1. Conservatism is dead. Killed by George Bush and Dick Cheney's repulsive 8 years in the White House and buried by hateful tools like Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck and Levin. Paul Ryan was supposed to be the conservative savior of the election this year the same way Sarah Palin was going to be the great conservative election saver in '08. Ryan couldn't even help win his own district and what's Palin doing now?
    Nobody's buying the conservative load of crap or the tea party insanity.
    Watch you'll see.

  2. What I think you will eventually see are more conservatives coming forward after Obama takes this country further down the tubes and road to socialism and bankruptcy. At least the republicans are looking at this picture with facts, honesty and solutions.

  3. I'd say "look what Allen West did to Allen West".
    He told the truth (as he saw it). The majority (communists) didn't agree!

  4. John Boehner-the only human in the history of the world to stand upright without a spine! Go West! More important things are ahead for this great American,Alan West.Obama won by the slim margin that he did because Conservatives were not happy with a moderate like Romney.Millions of conservatives did not vote in protest. When a true Conservative runs for office,hold on to your hats!
