Thursday, January 24, 2013

Honesty, Integrity and Character

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There are watchdogs for Honesty, Integrity and Character, sad but true. And heavens knows, we need them especially in Palm Beach County. Commissioners meet over drinks at some local restaurant or go off to a League of Cities Conference together, never mentioning anything that might come before them in Lake Worth. Planning & Zoning board members are taken out to dinner, one on one, by owners wanting a residential building variance on new construction. The public is to believe that the owner's request that was coming before the Board was never talked about or discussed.

The lack of ethics got so out of control around here that we now have three agencies, not just one, protecting the people in Palm Beach County:  State Attorney, Dave Aronberg's office with approximately 300 employees; Inspector General, Sheryl Steckler's office with 40 employees budgeted but only 24 in effect, and the Palm Beach Commission on Ethics made up of five volunteers spending around $300,000.

With Honesty, Integrity and Character as its motto, Tuesday night Mark Bannon from the Commission on Ethics spoke at the ROLOH meeting.  What an interesting presentation.

In 2012, the commission processed 85 advisory opinions, 16 sworn complaints,and 33 inquiries based on anonymous or attributed unsworn "tips." The office hotline received 560 calls and visits to the COE website exceeded 394,000 for the year.

Between year 2000 to 2010, there were 781 public corruption charges in the State of Florida with some going to prison:  Palm Beach County with four Commissioners, West Palm Beach with two. To set your mind at ease, Lake Worth Commissioners and staff have taken the ethics training.

The Commission on Ethics want to make March 7, 2013 Ethics Awareness Day. Several public events and outreach programs will be presented during the month of March.


  1. 2 commissioners lie and end up costing Lake Worth taxpayers $2.6 million. Their lack of honesty integrity and character was very expensive for the working class to pay for.

  2. I keep getting a similar comment on this almost every day and am sure it is the same sick person. I went ahead and posted it after first deleting it. It shows that this anonymous poster has NO honesty, integrity or character by making slanderous comments against two former city commissioners based on bull shit conjured up by opposing counsel in the Greater Bay suit...a lawyer who was looking for someone(s) to blame for his own clients non-performance, by a person who hates so much and wants to win this argument based on lawyer BS and lies just so that he can say he's RIGHT and condemn two people who did the right thing. Pretty sick stuff.

  3. C'mon Lynn, aren't you being a little hypocritical with respect to your comments on the Rule of Law? After all, the whole basis of your bogus lawsuit on the Smith Property was that you didn't believe that the developers would be bound by their Density Deed Restriction that was a requirement of City Annexation.

    BTW--where did you get all your legal experience & knowledge from to make the remarks about the Greater Bay lawsuit settlement-----were the losing lawsuits of your friends Exline, McNamara, Dorsey & McCauley the basis of your opinions.? Aren't you being very bold with our money as a higher judgment than the settlementwould not be paid by you, but by the rest of us with more substantial real estate holdings?

  4. David kiss my azz--When I get comments such as yours it it pathetic to learn that there are people like you among us who have NO clue and no knowledge of what's up. What losing law suits do your refer? Name them and what they were about and the circumstances of them. As far as Sunset, I can't comment on that but I will tell you that you are wrong, as usual.
    And the rest of your charge, is baseless and not understandable at all. Go back to school. You can sling your chit all day long and it might stick on one of your friends, but not here.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The Sunset law suit was on the fact that the city did not move the petitions forward to be certified. Nothing more than that, anony above. Just like it was said, you are clueless. Those in the NA believe in protecting their property and do not want upzoning of any parcel. How come you don't know much? Why does your comment even get posted?

  7. @420 the Sunset parcel was illegal contract zoning. It seems that everyone knows that but you.
