Thursday, January 31, 2013

Government Committees demand more information on Benghazi

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Although the left liberal news media is not reporting much on the Benghazi affair, and Democrats just want it all to go away, Senator Darrell Issa, Edward Royce and Jason Chaffetz co-wrote a letter Tuesday to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that asks for the State Department to provide emails, cables and memorandums sent or received by her and several others that pertain to security in Benghazi, a complete list of every individual interviewed by a special review board and video footage of the attack by Feb. 11.

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  1. I bet they will not be as interesting
    as the documents on the Great Bay Suit. They are in and can be pick up on disks, aot the City Clerks Office.
    All 44 disks.

  2. Yeah, pretty sad. Have fun going through 44 discs that are there so clever people can twist it all to their political point of view and to take the heat off of this commission for settling with the scam artist. You did buy them all, right? :)

  3. Issa just likes seeing his name in the news. Tea baggers Royce and Chaffetz are learning from the best.
    Despite the fact the city was told proceeding with the lawsuit was a losing proposition, despite the fact that Mulvehill and Jennings were blamed publicly and have not responded publicly (translation- GUILTY) you still continue to try to spin the outcome.

  4. Your opinion, anonymous. I personally believe we had the WRONG lawyer. Sometimes BS is not worth it to people who have better things to think about than why this city signed a terrible contract to begin with...why it allowed GB back on the beach to do the pool renovations which was the trigger for the suit in the end--It is all beyond me why we had our lawyer, after 3 years, tell us we might lose more money if we continued. Yes, suits are settled 99% of the time but in the meantime, lawyers love to drag stuff out and come up with "believable" reasons why we should settle and conduct mock juries fighting our own arguments. We could just as easily have won this case with a different lawyer with a different attitude. IMO. We also can't help that fact that the City wants to settle all law suits now rather than fight for principles. It gets expensive fighting for "right."

  5. " Mulvehill and Jennings were blamed publicly and have not responded publicly (translation- GUILTY) you still continue to try to spin the outcome."
    Soooo,silence equals guilty? Well thats good to know,because then the Obama administration is guilty as hell on a ton of stuff!!! Why should Jennings and Mulvehill reply to any of the total B.S. that has been vomited up by certain idiots in this town? You obviously were not around to see/hear what really happened in Commission meetings and workshops about this issue. Thank goodness that a prior Commission finally kicked the con men /flippers off of our beach.Shanon Materio's good "family" friend never got his claws into our public beach. It is a miracle.And that same prior Commission was told by our "attorney"Joslyn, that this was a "slam dunk" for the city against the two Greater Bay con men.You,and Commissioner Scot Maxwell, don't know one damn thing about what really happend in this case ,and you sure as hell don't know who did what to try to STEAL Lake Worth Beach!!!You should be kissing Jennings ASS for standing up for this city and not handing our beach over to a developer.But you wouldn't know that ,would you?


  6. Wow! According to Commissioner Scot Not-so-swell Maxwell, Issa, Royce,and Chaffetz are TERRORISTS!!!How dare they ask for information?!?
