Tuesday, January 1, 2013

First 2013 Palm Beach County baby born to Lake Worth parents

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Now and then you read about something good happening in Lake Worth instead of rising crime.

Eliel Abraham Garcia Mendez was the first baby born in 2013 at St. Mary’s Medical Center in West Palm Beach, and he is the new son of a Lake Worth couple.  Read more...


  1. You didn't mention all the creepy socialists here.

  2. With all the illegal aliens popping out babies here in Lake Worth it is no surprise that we would have the first born in PBC. Another welfare recipient...please excuse me if I don't light fireworks in celebration.

  3. but it's more votes for Democrats.

  4. A brand new US citizen, and all you anti latinos, chew on it for a while... the laugh is on you.

  5. The laugh is definitely on all US taxpayers paying for illegals.

  6. Yes it is and the biggest laugh is reserved for those that supported Lake Worth's "progressive socialists" that turned lake Worth into a sanctuary city.
    The "best commission ever" right anti immigration blogger?

  7. I can't stand progressives, socialist or not. But what I will say is this, the two that were up there, Cara Jennings and Jo-Ann Golden made some excellent decisions for our city. They also made a few bad decisions but their good far out-weighed their bad. On top of all of that, Jo-Ann is a sweetheart and a very good person. I will vote for "good" people whenever possible.
    Now, it is you that bitches about socialists on the dais but you absolutely LOVE the CRA that is all about spending other people's money for poor people and social justice and all that jazz. Rather phony of you.
