Saturday, January 19, 2013

Danny Glover - a Lethal Weapon

Everyone knows that Hollywood is left of left but here's Danny Glover speaking at Texas A&M who has always advocated for left and socialistic causes with an off the wall remark. Actors have a great influence on our society and especially on the youth who go to the movies more than any other age group. It's a shame that he clearly is still hung up on slavery. Actor Danny Glover says it was slave-owners who were fearful of being attacked, or being targeted by Indian uprisings, who originated the idea of the Second Amendment. Indentured servants first arrived in America in the decade following the settlement of Jamestown in 1607.

For heavens sake--get over it Danny.

The Second Amendment was adopted with the other parts of the Bill of Rights in December 1791, 15 years after the fight for independence (Revolutionary War) began and 75 years earlier than the Civil War. We have come a long way but Danny Glover still lives in a time warp and playing the blame game.

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