Thursday, January 31, 2013

Complete the Danged Fence

"Complete the danged fence," John McCain said in 2010

Nothing will work until we mean business on our U.S. borders.
2009 ZOGBY POLL -- 83.5% of Florida voters believe illegal aliens have a negative impact on the state budget. 57% believe illegal immigration should be reduced through better enforcement. 68% say they favor continuing work site enforcement.

76% of Hispanics in Florida believe large-scale illegal immigration is a drain on state resources. A similar 76% of Hispanics strongly support the use of E-Verify to protect American jobs. Source: Floridians for a Sustainable Population

315 million ; U.S. population (as of January, 2013)
300 million : U.S. population in 2006
203 million : U.S. population in 1970
459 million : Census projection for 2060
571 million : Census projection for 2100
359 million : U.S. pop. (2060) if we go to zero-net immigration
50% : % of sprawl due to population growth
3.3 million : Annual U.S. population growth
850,000 : New illegal aliens each year
1 million : New legal immigrants each year
900,000 : Births to foreign-born each year
86% : % of pop. growth due to immigration
Sources: Census Bureau, INS, USDA, CPS

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