Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Boynton Beach Pulls a Coup

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I don't know what Boynton Beach's billboard sign will look like but what we do know is, they are renting billboards in Lake Worth to promote their city.

Now wouldn't you think that Lake Worth would have been on the ball especially when we have opened our new Casino, the beach redevelopment is almost complete and our 100th birthday is coming up.

As dysfunctional as Boynton Beach is, they beat us to our very own billboard blight, or in this case, the best marketing tool that is right in our own back yard. We citizens are paying dearly for this blight for 19 years and 364 days.

Does our staff just have too much to do like cutting down trees instead of promoting our City and just thinking inside the box? Thinking outside the box is just too much to ask.


  1. Spend your dollars in Lake Worth-
    Get drunk in one of our bars
    Harrass a PBSO Sheriff
    Get Shot

  2. How much are the citizens paying for your very own blight for 19 years and 364 days? Usually the billboard company pays.
    Maybe you're confused again.

  3. Oh no, is this *&^%$? There is nothing blighted about my neighborhood. You, as usual, are the one who is mentally challenged. Get a doctor. Clean up your yard. Get a job. Perhaps go to church and learn to stop hating. In fact, no one really knows what you're talking about...just the little noises in your head.

  4. I have been begging the city to put up signs promoting our historic downtown, the beach and the golf course. We really need them on 95 at our exits and on our gateways of 6th and 10th. Small signs have been put up but they have not helped. We need signs on Dixie telling folks there is a golf course and restaurant open to the public. This easy fix could do so much to help our local economy and nothing has been done all the years I pushed for it.

  5. I'm not surprised and certainly don't blame the city if we do not have a budget for this type of advertising but agree with John.

    If we do have the funds I have to wonder if we want the billboard in our city or do we want to purchase billboard space in West Palm or Boynton Beach in order to promote our city to the people or are visiting their area's.

    We in the know of the great things in Lake Worth already know what we have. I would suggest placing a billboard add in Delray. Just my own thoughts.

    Robert Waples

  6. This blog had to do with billboards along I-95. I sure don't see the advantaqe of Boynton Beach advertising on the billboards we have in our city--do you?

  7. Lynn, why are you allowing personal attacks on your blog that have no other purpose but to attack?

  8. Don't know what you are referring to, anonymous. I am the target for 99% of all attacks here. They certainly are ALLOWED on the OTHER BLOG especially about me. Free speech I guess. I determine which one is posted and which one is not.

  9. Lynn I was talking to an employee at one of the Hotels on A1A the other day and she said that they are told to tell drivers bring guest to their hotel to avoid Lake Worth at all cost DO NOT drive through Lake Worth period. What good would it do for the City to advertise Lake Worth when this is how our surrounding communities feel about Lake Worth. And yes I do live and work in the City.

  10. What's the name of this hotel? Sounds like someone we want doing business here. Perhaps they can sell and they too can get the hell out of town.
