Thursday, January 3, 2013

Big Brother in Washington?

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New radio waves coming from your faucet? Lake Worth's Constitution Lady has brought this up on many occasions.

Click here and read how big Brother is closer than you think. The government will even know when you flush your toilet! George Orwell's 1984 is becoming a reality where society is tyrannized by The Party and its totalitarian ideology.

And we know that this government is over-stepping its bounds because of what happened yesterday--

Without going through Congress, Obama's  Department of Homeland Security issued a new rule that will reduce the time illegal immigrants are separated from their American families while seeking legal status. According to The Los Angeles Times, the Obama administration eased the way for illegal immigrants who are immediate relatives of American citizens to apply for permanent residency, a change that could affect as many as 1 million of the estimated 11 million immigrants unlawfully here.

According a Gallup Poll, a full 62 per cent of the American people believe that stopping illegal immigration should be a top priority of the U.S. government. But hey, we don't matter.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks Lynn! This is/has been my point exactly.

    “After a few weeks usage patterns will emerge. The city will see water not being used specific times of day and on specific days of the week giving the city (and anyone else) information regarding when we are gone for work/school. We cannot trust government officials with this data OR even the company that sends the signal to the city. Worse yet, the Freedom of Information act allows this data to be given to anyone who asks, including prospective burglars and pedophiles who can figure out when we are home and when we are gone, making it a prime database for criminals,” he said.
