Thursday, December 13, 2012

Shhh, it's top secret

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Do you hear much about Benghazi lately? The State Department has denied interviews with the survivors in Benghazi. Repeated requests for more support were denied, despite prior attacks on the compound in the months leading up to September 11, 2012. Read more...

What about Obama's promise to all the Hurricane Sandy victims? Hear much about that lately? He visited New Jersey on October 31 and New York on November 15. Obama pledged to storm victims that "we are here for you and we will not forget." They are still suffering and funding for temporary dwellings have and are drying up. More than 34,000 people were displaced because of Hurricane Sandy.


  1. Well, maybe this socialist movement from Obama is why our home prices are so low in Lake Worth, this is from today's new listings in our area, can you believe how low home sales are here? What a sin. Is this guy doing anything right for our country?

    8 New Listings (Residential)
    6111 Honeywood Wy

    Homes Of Lees Crossi
    View Property Details

    5812 Strawberry Lakes Cir

    Strawberry Lakes 04
    View Property Details

    515 N C St

    Lake Worth Town
    View Property Details

    6041 Wauconda

    Homes Of Lees Crossi
    View Property Details

    710 S D St #1

    Town Of Lake Worth
    View Property Details

    1415 S D St

    Whispering Palms
    View Property Details

    212 S C St

    Lake Worth Town
    View Property Details

    420 S A St

    Town Of Lake Worth
    View Property Details

  2. $50 billion dollars was just allocated for hurricane relief for that area. Do you want Obama to go there to drive a bulldozer?
    Fox News and Hannity tried to make something out of Benghazi but obviously trying to make the deaths of 4 Americans political and "Obama's watergate" didn't work because there's nothing there. Most intelligent Americans understand the middle east is dangerous, the U.S. can't be everywhere all the time, but it's Obama's fault.

  3. The deaths of 4 Americans was the result of BAD policy. The destruction of our embassy on sovereign soil, was the result of BAD POLICY. That's the point here. It is our responsibility to keep Americans safe at our embassies and lisgten to them when they say they are not and need help.

    Victims of Sandy are still hurting, some without power. They say they need much more than Obama is giving to them and they are hearing from no one.

  4. Lynn, funds for Sandy relieve are being held up in Congress right now. Per the article from Governor Christie + 2 other Governors in the Washington Post today. To say that Obama is the one who is holding them up is completely false. Also, Congress denied more funding for the embassies you speak of.

  5. You guys are just paranoid about anything pertaining to Obama.
    1. I did not say Obamaa was holding up funds for Sandy victims but when I speak of Obama in this vein, I am speaking of the government where he is the supreme chief.
    2. I did not say anything about funding for embassies. I was talking about support in the context of security forces that they had asked for.
