Monday, December 3, 2012

Rahm Emanuel touts his "most American City"

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I used to like this guy

“Chicago is the most American of American cities," Emanuel said in talk last week to political science students at Northwestern University. "It's not just any city. If you want to come and see America, you come to its heartland. And what is the capital of that heartland? Chicago."

While some 2,000 U.S. troops have been killed in Afghanistan since 2001, more than 5,000 people have been killed by gun fire in Chicago during that time, based on Department of Defense and FBI data.

Chicago is just not the real world or the real America. Neither is Rahm.

Read CNS News and learn that more than one person is murdered in Chicago every day.

1 comment:

  1. Wow,looks just like our three city Commissions ,Pam ,Andy ,and Scott,laughing at the taxpayers of Lake Worth while they take a vacation at the same convention on our dime. Can anybody say "Sunshine violation"? These three probably spent the whole time discusing Lake Worth issues so that they will all be on the same page when they get back.They probably all conference called with John Zerti.Maybe I can't prove that they did this, but more importantly, they can't prove that they DIDN'T !!
