Sunday, December 30, 2012

Quote of the Day - Pastor Rick Warren

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My definition of truth is: If it’s new, it’s not true. If it was true 1,000 years ago, it will be true 1,000 years from today. Opinion changes, but truth doesn’t .

~Pastor Rick Warren

Pastor Warren's reply to Piers Morgan who said that “Both the Bible and the Constitution were well intentioned but they are basically, inherently flawed. Hence, the need to amend it,” Morgan claimed. My point to you about gay rights, for example, it’s time for an amendment to the Bible.”

Read more at WND


  1. he right if its new its not true--well this is not new for decade after decade the catholic church has covered up sex crimes on children--one example father bentley of albany ny catholic dioceses was raping children at a home for children and father mecure also of the albany catholic dioceses was raping children for years got caught and serving 25 years in prison-in feb 2013 on hbo watch silence in the house of god-and see the truth of cover ups in the catholic church for far to long--the church is full of child molesters and criminals

  2. The fact and truth of the matter is that there has been gay people around for thousands of years, they have been persecuted, discriminated against, and judged for as long. Humans are the ones who wrote the Bible, their opinions and views have crept into the Bible and what it says. Stop making gays feel bad for how God made them. Let God be the ONLY judge of gays. God made all types of people in this world, gays, prostitutes, addicts, etc. We are supposed to love and be kind to all without judgement. If there really is a separation of church and state in the USA, then gays should have all the same rights as heterosexuals, being gay is not a choice, why would anyone want to be gay in a society where the majority judge and hate them and treat them like freaks? Let God judge ONLY. A lot of countries now allow all the same rights for gays, like gay marriage, the USA is behind the times. Will the USA still not allow the same rights for gays in another 1000 years? Just because there was hate, judgement, and ridicule of gays 2000 years ago, doesn't mean it has to continue and be true now? There was also slavery then too. I just wish people and politicians would do what they are supposed to do and see to it that there is a separation of church and state in all decision making of laws and rights for people in this country. Christians are not any better than Muslims, they both allow their religions to interfere with the government and laws to much, hurting a minority.

  3. I am sure many Americans agree with Piers Morgan and feel we need more and effective gun control in the USA, we all have a right to our opinions.

    Einstein even tried to write to Pres. Roosevelt a few times warning against using the atom bomb, but the President back then didn't care or want to listen back then either. Wars are all about money, it takes a lot of courage for any leaders to go in the other direction, but many never do, most presidents since Roosevelt haven't. Einstein did not like the misuse of science, many today do not like the misuse of technology and guns/arms. We need to turn from war and money and work toward being angelic humans working for the good of all humanity. All the lives lost in Mexico, Colombia, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, all over the world really for years of wars, all because of greed, all because of money, it is very very sad.
    I swear, most of us on this planet are just plain apes, we use less than 2% of our brains' potential and it is all about greed, money, ego,power, materialism, and control. Keep watching TV, the media, and letting the government control you. The Pop culture bandwagon is rampant. When will we think at a higher level and care about our world, planet, and ourselves more, for humanity as a whole. How much longer will we allow all of this craziness?
    The government and this guy should all be held accountable, they sell all these arms all over, it is all about money, very sad, look what the USA is doing in the middle east, Syria, Egypt, etc. they sell all these arms that are then used against Israel, we are supposed to be their friends, the USA's guns are sold to the Farc in Venezuela and Colombia, wonder how they get US arms? The used against governments and innocent people there. it is all about $, greed, corruption, our governments and its leaders are no saints, very sad in this world. My friend was telling me that in Korea and many other countries look down on us as being very third world in how we think and what we do. We all need to listen to and heed more the ideas of Einstein more, sorry, but how can we trust our government?

    "May the conscience and the common sense of the peoples be awakened, so that we may reach a new stage in the life of nations, where people will look back on war as an incomprehensible aberration of their forefathers!" said Albert Einstein 1879-1955, I think Piers has some good points as does Einstein.

  4. I love countries like Costa Rica who does not have a national military. I love countries that do not allow guns like in Japan and other Asian countries. The right to bear arms, just because we can? Guns, like alcohol, drugs, and money all have roots to evil. Two wrongs do not make a right. An eye for eye mentality will make the whole world blind. We need gun control, we need a world without arms, we need a world where people can solve problems with words not guns and bullets or arms. I am glad that the new Social Studies Standards in schools today are emphasizing being a civic and social problem solver, we need to sole problems without wars and arms. The mentality of the right to bear arms is a very low level of thought.

  5. You could be under sharia law, think about that.

  6. I looked that one up, anonymous. With 196 countries in the world, there are 10 countries where gay marriage is legal:
    The Netherlands
    Year Legalized: 2001

    Year Legalized: 2003

    Year Legalized: 2005

    Year Legalized: 2005

    South Africa
    Year Legalized: 2006

    Year Legalized: 2009

    Year Legalized: 2009

    Year Legalized: 2010

    Year Legalized: 2010

    Year Legalized: 2010

    So, I don't think the US is behind the times as you have stated as we just had Obama change his mind on the matter. Issues such as this don't just change over night. Obama is, afterall, the leader of the "free world."

  7. He has some nerve wanting to re-write the Bible and our Constitution. Fruitcake. Does he want to re-write the Quran?
