Friday, December 28, 2012

Pierre Poilievre Tells it like it is

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Pierre Poilievre, MP Ontario, Canada--a young politician who totally understands the economy and what the hell happened in the United States.

"Canadian MP Pierre Poilievre delivers a rather epic speech destroying the myths of US and European 'wealth' noting that 'Once the US citizen is in debt, the US government encourages them to stay in debt,' noting that 'the US government encouraged millions of Americans to spend money they did not have on homes they could not afford using loans they could never repay and then gave them a tax incentive never to repay it.'

His message, delivered seamlessly, notes the inordinate rise in the cost of all this borrowing, adding that 'through debt interest alone, soon the US taxpayer will be funding 100% of the Chinese Military complex' From Dependence to Debt to the Welfare State and back to Dependence, this presentation puts incredible context on the false hope so many believe in the US and Europe. Everyone takes, nobody makes, work doesn't pay, indulgence doesn't cost, money is free, and money is worthless."


  1. Bravo Pierre Poilievre and thank you Lynn for putting this on your site. This is an incredibly apt and accurate synopsis of the current economic and social situation facing the United States and Europe. Within his brilliant discussion, there is also a perfect solution to the problem. “…Work hard, pay your bills, spend only what you have and let free people do the rest.”

  2. this guy is going places in Canada.
