Monday, December 17, 2012

Paul Snitkin, Casino Real Estate salesman

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Paul Snitkin, of Anderson and Carr, has been recognized by the National Association of Realtors by winning the National Award for outstanding achievement in the commercial real estate industry.

Imagine this--He managed to get this award without even finding a lessee for our upstairs Casino space or even believing in the property owned by his client, the City of Lake Worth.  Way to go Paul.


  1. Real Estate salesmen are like Car salesmen.

  2. he said the casino is not upscale enough ---either is anything else in lake worth---whats new--get use to it because i have been here 10 years to see nothing change except dylan harrison in the middle of downtown lake worth and clematis --running americas biggest illegal synthectic marijuna scam--and capt silva was made aware something was seriously wrong in dec 2010 and all of 2011--and he did what---nothing--just like much of our elected officials

  3. When is his Cotract with the City ended? An Oceanfront Palm Beach Island with Ocean and ICW views, is in any honest, knowledgeable upscale Realtors' books ,a top notch location!Not every Realtor is of the Palm Beach Island Social level, and has matching knowledge.
    I had BRIO ,Gourmet Tuscan,white table cloth Restaurent of the Gardens fly down from Ohio,to examine the location,was amazed to see the Ocean and recognized it's prime location.I informed kathy Margolis for her Broker Snitkin,she instructed Constr.Mgr. to tell my Client top-Executive who leases and or buys good locations,,that the location had been leased, when the City had finished with Johnny Longboat of Riviera Beach,and was told by Snitkin at City Hall ,he spoke to Cinelli,with the wrong name spelling,I was tld by Citizens.
    brio is openeing in City place,where the Black and White shop was. We could have had that most popular restaurant among the upscale residents of Palm Beach!

  4. And he calls himself a Real Estate Professional? Sounds like he does not know he Real Estate License from the hole in the bottom of his own seat. You know when the A-holes try to tear our town apart lets just run them out of town with torches and pitch forks cause obviously this idiot thinks we are some small town crazies that will put up with his Bullsh27.

  5. This guy isn't quite as bad as our outside counsel on the Greater Bay settlement.

  6. Ie's time to exercise the option in the contract to terminate the agreement.
    There is no penalty.
    Open it up to all Lake Worth realtors, offering the same compensation as Mr. Snitkin got and a good tenant will be found.

  7. Why would the Best and Brightest want to do business with LW?

    Why do you think Stanton's only response to her Broker RFQ was a part time Broward County Broker?

    When the first Piggy Back Broker submitted a report outlining the foolishness of the CM-Commission leasing parameters and the gross understatement of the Business Plan's Common Area Charges, Stanton gave them the report back---stated the report was unacceptable---and then the Commission terminated the contract for lack of Broker response.

    Staff-Commission oversight of the current broker---which was named without an RFQ-- didn't include the Broker having to report as to marketing dollars spent, contacts and details of solicitations nor did it even require signage at the Site.

    With the slanderous, foolish & constant barrage of negative comments about Realtors and brokers on this blog and at Commission meetings from both sides of the dais----who would want to work with Lake Worth?

  8. I don't like this guy and I don't like Brian Joslyn either.

  9. This should have been open to all brokers from inception, with no one getting an exclusive with built-in commissions paid on our long-term tenants that had the right of first refusal. I don't think Snitkin found one tenant for this building. So, he got a good deal from LW with little results even though he says he worked his azz off. It seems that people with contracts with Lake Worth come out smelling like a rose.

  10. Can't take the heat, at 1:12?

  11. Can't understand what all the BS about heights is all about. After all, the last real estate boom pretty much passed lake Worth with other cities getting alot more development than we did.
    All our local crazies with their petitions and ballot initiates didn't go unnoticed by the bigger real estate developers. Why put up with that when the adults were in charge elsewhere.
    Of course there is the matter of the Law. Everybody knows Lake Worth can't be trusted to honor contracts they sign nor to conduct themselves in a professional manner. Ask the county or any municipality that is suing us.
    My house is closing tomorrow and I am putting the high real estate taxes and electric bills in the same rear view mirror that will make the crazies even smaller than they seem now.

  12. Everyone is crazy but that how it is? Is the County suing us? Is a municipality suing us? Houses are starting to sell again--good luck and good bye.

  13. When PBC threatened to sue us for Breach of Contract, we settled for a Penalty and an shortened Water contract.
    The ongoing lawsuit by our 5 municipal partners and PBC over the unpaid Sewer Bills has been suspended pending the release of the State of Florida's Audit of our Billings.
    Did we think that nobody would notice the multiple breaking of contracts, the unprofessional conduct of Staff & past CM's and the villification of any real estate development from both sides of the dais?
    Think about it---a south Florida oceanfront site with plenty of parking only received one response to the Development RFP and no responses for a Leasing RFQ.

  14. 1. We paid PBCounty to get out of the contract. It worked out very well for LW and overall, saved the city money. this was under Stanton as city manager and she did one hell of a job.
    2. There is no lawsuit initiated by our sewer customers. The audit was conducted and Bornstein said he is “hopeful and optimistic” that the regional sewer dispute can be resolved before the end of the year. If it were not for Susan Stanton, all this money that was never billed by the city would have been swept under the rug.
    3. Some contracts were bad for the city and signed by inept commissioners. Luckily, we managed to end them by advice of our in-house and outside counsel.
    4. I don't know why there was little response to our beach redevelopment but I am rather sure it has nothing to do with the fact it is because of our City itself or staff. If it were, why do a few push for vertical growth?

  15. Wasn't it Stanton who rejected the Settlement Offer of $3,500,000?
    Out current estimated collection of Past due is less than $1,000,000

    Yet another Stanton gift.

  16. 1. The commission unilaterally terminated the Contract with PBC by not making a required payment for Capital Improvements expended by the County to pay for their Contract requirements. We now pay the highest Water Rates in the County.
    2. Be sure to tell our Lawyers and the municipals-PBC's Lawyers that there is no lawsuit.
    3. You determining what a "Bad" Contract is and the appropriate was not the result of an election or ballot initiative that I remember.
    4. We understand you don't know.

  17. A consultant sued...believe he was from Orlando or something. City Manager Susan Stanton said the lawsuit was not appropriate because the city and the seven sewer partners - Atlantis, Lantana, Manalapan, Palm Beach, South Palm Beach, Palm Springs and Palm Beach State College - are following the government dispute resolution process outlined in Chapter 164 of Florida statutes.

    We pay more for water because we are paying for our takes money, anonymous. It would have cost us even MORE if wed had gone with the county.

    Glad you know it all.

  18. anonymous at 2:22--
    their outstanding bill is $10 million. Stanton did not have the settlement mentality that this administration has. people owe; they should pay.

  19. Lake Worth was upscale until Susan Stanton was fired.
