Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Mulligan's and Lake Worth

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On  November 30, 2012,  the lawyers for Mulligan's Beach House restaurant wrote what they describe as "a more formal letter" to The City of Lake Worth regarding safety, liability and security issues:

No lighting
Dangerous and excessive Construction debris
Lack of Security
Dirt roads
No Parking

Originally, the parking lots and the beach redevelopment were to coordinate with the casino timeline. It hasn't and even the Lake Worth City Manager, Michael Bornstein admitted in a public meeting that they are way behind. Mulligan's states that through numerous discussions and correspondence, none of these issues have been resolved and they are afraid of potential liability because of the aforementioned problems and the City's failure to solve and/or install. Therefore, they are asking for one-half rent during this construction period until the property is made safe and functional.

In response, the city in a letter of December 7th said, "Mulligan's entered its Lease and opened its business with full and actual knowledge of the adjacent, on-going construction project."  In so many words the city told them it's their problem. George Hart, the owner, "refuses to believe that the City set him up for failure" and asked for another meeting to resolve the matter.

In the meantime, all of us are wondering when these parking lots will be completed and safe for all of us. Here it is high Season and we are driving through obstacle courses just to get to the beach. Of course a top priority of yesteryear, the Jungle Jim for little Junior, is in place while a senior citizen, looking for the parking meter in the dark, falls through the bushes breaking open her face.


  1. can someone tell me what lake worth has done right --i cant think of one thing---lets think back at laura hanna old city manager who needed to be investigated for what she was doing when she was in office

  2. Great catch Lynn - Got the playground in but the parking is .... just another reason for a lawsuit? Heck I'd be fuming at the city response!
    Now if it were another government program - like the CRA - Walla - it would not only be done but we'd probably wave any costs related to it!
    So Open and Transparent any idiot can see who the city picks as winners and losers. Sorry Mulligans - this is how we roll here in LW. Gov gets the gravy and we get the bill (and ALL the inconveniences that come along with it). Mission Creep has changed their hearts from Public Servants to Self Serving Revenue Generating Think Tank that is HARMFUL to the people and businesses they touch!

  3. Laura Hanna wasn't the only one! Since Andy Amaroso, Pam Triolo ,and Scott Maxwell thought that it was okay for them all to go away together to the same conference where they could talk and plan out of the sunshine, these three are also dishonest and need to be investigated.

  4. Sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen, I wonder who will be representing Mulligan's

  5. Well, no matter who is the attorney, the City will settle--it always does. They are scared of their own shadow.

  6. Mulligan's attorney is David Golden of Stuart, Fl.

  7. In most construction contracts there are times lines and completion dates. If these are not met, the contractor is fined every day they run over. Let me guess...nothing stipulated in our contract about run-overs right?

  8. First, Mulligans should fix menu, already making excuses for bad business move, they will pack up in 2 year time.

    Whoever is in charge of project,should have completed the entrance on south end next to Palm Beach to bypass the construction parking lot.

    I look forward to take me grandchildren to play on playground equipment, it looks fun!

    Polish Chris

  9. Lynn you forgot to mention that two times between Dec. 6th and 11th. The construction workers broke the gas line causing a very hazardous situation whole place smelling like natural gas and Mulligans not being able to serve any hot food for hours both days right between breakfast and lunch time. Thank goodness we haven't gotten blown up...yet?

    Polish Chris as for your prediction on Mulligans about this...look me up 12.19.15 at Mulligans and I will be there to buy you a drink to celebrate that it is still open. Mulligans is poised to begin selling franchises it is going nowhere but up and will be around a very long time! Sorry if that dissapoints you, seems you have so much knowledge on restaurtants I am curious how many you run or own? Hmmm...just as I thought.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
    Mark A. Parrilla

  10. What group was in charge of approving and oveseeing the project?

  11. Well, anonymous, the present commission minus Szerdi has been in charge for the last year. They have had an entire year to get a handle on the timeline and try and move it along. Let's ask one of them.

  12. Lynn I agree 100%. Many residents in this city like to play the blame game and point fingers. Who gives a flying @#&% about who was in power when the decisions were made, how about lets concentrate on why the ones presently in office who HAVE the power to do something HAVE NOT! I guess it might be the results of the typical political game of not wanting to make the tough decisions for fear of loosing their re-election.

    Mark A. Parrilla

  13. Mr. Parrilla, I wish nothing but the best for Mulligans why would you say it bring me pleasure, sick. I been disappointed in the quality of food. we out to eat 12-15 times a week, we know something about quality.
    Please check Yelp, FL Sportsman SE forum, and other reviews, if average is ok with you, then congratulation you have it. Happy New Year!

    Polish Chris
