Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Luis Gutierrez crying for the rights of lllegal Immigrants

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“This is nothing to be proud of,” Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., said. “In the 409,849 deportations are hardened criminals for whom I have no sympathy, but we must also realize that among these … are parents and breadwinners … that are assets to American communities and have committed no crimes,” so says The Blaze. Read more...

In the total deportations of last year which ended in September, Guierrez was speaking of those criminals that included 1,215 convicted of homicide, 5,557 convicted of sexual offenses, 40,448 convicted for crimes involving drugs and 36,166 convicted for driving under the influence, according to an Immigration and Customers Enforcement press release,--he  was objecting to the illegal immigrant who has not committed a crime (other than just entering here illegally to begin with which all these politicians like to ignore) that gets caught up in ICE's web.

"Some 90,000 people in this category are deported every year,"complained Gutierrez. With 24,439,457 illegals in this country, Gutierrez and others say the best solution remains the passage of comprehensive immigration reform, which probably will be taken up by Congress early in 2013.


  1. Which US laws are not required to be followed by illegal aliens that are parents and have a job?
    What are the parents teaching their children about honoring only laws that they feel are applicable?

  2. this country is too far gone.
