Saturday, December 22, 2012

Jon Hammar back in U.S.

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Fox News, especially the O'Reilly Factor, had a lot to do with this release.


  1. What exactly did O'reilly have to do with the release? In detail. No opinion just facts.

  2. Fox News and in particular the O'Reilly Factor, brought light to his fate in Mexico and the circumstances surrounding it. They were nearly exclusive in the coverage that got world-wide attention and the release of Jon Hammer. O'Reilly also suggested the “mainstream media” (and we know that they don't report news that is unfavorable to Obama and his administration) avoided covering the story because it would make Mexico look bad.

    So, to answer your question, it was calling attention to the situation and the truth behind Hammer's incarceration, night after night, until Mexico had no other choice.
