Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

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Incompetent, polarizing and an habitual liar

Debbie Wasserman Schultz is the worst kind of hypocritical Washington politician...and guess what? Obama just re-appointed her as Chair of the Democratic National Committee. What does that say about his judgment or his ambition? You tell the lie often enough, people will believe it.

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz got caught in blatant distortions by the media. When CNN caught her,  Anderson Cooper claimed that she must live in an ‘alternate universe.’

Allen West was right about Debbie.


  1. Why is it the Republican Party can never do anything wrong?? It is your party that is leading us towards the Fiscal Cliff

  2. IMO you feel as we should all bow down to Allen West, He is NEVER wrong about anything. He Must be a Demigod.....

  3. I am guessing you are talking to me. I have been a lifetime Democrat. Both Parties have a lot to be desired.

  4. That's true,Lynn's party is driving us over the fiscal cliff,You got one right!

  5. What's Debbie doing now?

  6. Lynn, if you are a life time Democrat then why do you support Republican after another, and why do you hate your party so much?

  7. I don't hate a "Party." I don't like several people in political parties and what they stand for. The Democrats, at this moment in time, are not offering anything to get this country on track other than massive debt and spending. I vote for the person, not the Party. It took me 40 years to see the light and I can honestly say that Obama did it for me...he is responsible.

  8. What will "If-I'm-not-lyin-I'm -diein" Debbie do when Israel gets blown off the map due to Obama's look the other way for my radical Islamist friends policy?Oh ,wait,BLAME BUSH!!!!
