Saturday, December 1, 2012

Cleanliness is next to Godliness

I'm about to jump off the cliff

You can’t make this stuff up.

If this seems like an inconceivable prank, just take a look at the public university study that received $823,200 in stimulus cash to encourage Africans to undergo voluntary HIV testing and counseling. Specifically, the taxpayer dollars will be used to teach uncircumcised African men how to wash their genitals after having sex.

The money from the monstrous $787 billion program Obama promised would jumpstart the economy and put Americans back to work was distributed by the National Institutes of Health.

Read more... about all the Obama Stimulus waste at Judicial watch. And Obama can't seem to cut spending although his promised tax increase has doubled in just a few short weeks. He's shocked that the Reublicans want our national debt reduced...shocked that Republicans are watching over taxpayer money...shocking!

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