Friday, December 7, 2012

Boynton Beach Commissioner Ross resigns

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Be happy. We could be living in Boynton Beach.


  1. Can you please explain the quote about Mitt Romney and putting Americans back to work?
    I've worked my whole life, sometimes at 2 jobs. I make more money in one year than you could ever dream of making in 10 years in whatever menial low paying jobs you spent your life slaving at.
    I pay income taxes (you don't pay any) I pay high property taxes (you don't pay any) I employ people (you never have and never will) I pay for my health insurance (you're on the government dole).
    The part I don't understand is that I'm part of the 51% that voted for the winning President (again). I never said "Fuc that".

    Speaking of jobs, I see your repubilcan congress working on everything EXCEPT jobs.
    Please explain that while you are explaining the Romney thing

  2. I'm retired and live within my means unlike the 47% with their hands out. Property values went down by 63% where I live--again through no fault of mine. Blame it on the banks and the almighty greed. Percentage wise, I bet I give more to charity than do you because I have learned braggards are just that--no substance... thinking you are better than everyone else because you have money must make you an endearing figure and respected by all.
    You brag about how wealthy you are and then put me down saying I worked in menial jobs? Precisely what job are you referring to when you say menial. Was it when I baby-sat at 16 and made 50 cents an hour? I guess putting people down and inventing things about them makes you happy. Sad sack of...

  3. Maybe it was when you were slinging burgers at Burger King with Scott MAxwell.

  4. Yup, that must be it :) Just a reminder, this blog is about Marlene Ross.

  5. Is her cousin her baby Daddy? Does that make the kid it's own mother's cousin?Holy shit! I hear banjo music!!!
