Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Allen West's Christmas Card

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"My wife Angela, my daughters Aubrey, Austen and I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas.

This year the West family is especially pleased to share a true American Christmas with Lin, our exchange student from China. As a nation, we have shared enormous sadness these last few weeks, but we are thankful to share with Lin and all of our fellow Americans the true meaning of this day – a time of healing and renewed strength. Regardless of how we worship, it is a time to reaffirm the guiding principles of our Judeo-Christian faith heritage.

'Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth to those on whom his favor rests'.” (Luke 2:14)


  1. Are you trying to ruin my Christmas day?

  2. Are you even a Christian? If you were, you would find LT. Col. West's message very inspiring, unlike Obama's.

  3. The Democrats did attempt to take any mention of God out of their platform.

  4. "Regardless of how we worship, it is a time to reaffirm the guiding principles of our Judeo-Christian faith heritage."

    What if an American worships Muslium or Hindu?

  5. This country was founded on Judeo-Christian values, meaning most of our fundamental laws are based on the morals that are found in the Old and New Testament. However, our government was not founded to promote the Christian religion whatsoever (hence the First Amendment).
    So, go worship anything or anyone you choose. You can even bow down to Obama and kiss his ring.
    We are talking about values and Allen West said that in his statement.
