Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Allen West sounds off on Obama

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This is worthy of repeating so that the message sinks in.


  1. It's too bad that you don't know what you're talking about--

    Allen West

    1. has sponsored nine bills, including an effort to provide tax credits to small businesses that hire the unemployed.

    2. has sponsored two resolutions aimed at reducing appropriations to the Department of Defense for printing, reproduction, studies, analysis and evaluations, though none has yet made it out of committee.

    3. has co-sponsored 274 other bills.

  2. well at least he got the arrogance part right, West is one of the most arrogant self centered people that was ever elected in this Country!

  3. you must be in REAL PAIN

  4. Glad you recognized that--ONLY am I a real pain in the ass to way-out far left liberal socialists and Democrats who want to blame conservatives for Obama's being the absolute worst president in the history of this country--who won't compromise, cut spending and now wants to tax too. You should thank this great guy who you voted for just because he is for gay marriage. What a claim to fame, something he flip flopped on and took a political approach to get the gay vote.

    Oh, West doesn't think I am a pain.

  5. I remember the night you left city hall yelling NO COMPROMISE...

  6. First of all, Loretta, you took that comment out of context. Entirely different subject. I notice where you are compromising on heights in our downtown? I have nothing to gain by taking a stand on heights other than saving our city from asinine tall buildings and changing our landscape for the pocketbook of the developer crowd. I have noticed that the small but vocal crowd who want to build vertically do have special interests.

    Obama must cut spending.

    Secondly, I was NOT yelling.

    Thanks for your comment.
