Monday, November 5, 2012

Voting is the Best Revenge

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President Obama flew in for his photo op and said, "We will do everything we can," and then immediately flew out to campaign. Republican Governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie, gave Obama kudos for "all his help." What help? Was it help just to show up? In the meantime, nothing much has improved after Sandy blew in.

FEMA funding is available to state and eligible local governments on a cost-sharing basis for debris removal and emergency protective measures. Other assistance could include low-cost loans to cover uninsured property losses.

One thing for sure, Mitt Romney chose the best running mate in Paul Ryan over Christie.


  1. Why? Don't you think there's a problem with some of the anti abortion bills that Ryan sponsored but won't talk about now? Do you think that Ryan storming out of an interview because the interviewer asked him how was he going to pay for social programs while cutting taxes is a good thing?
    The Fux News lemmings complain about Christie praising Obama and you jump right on the train. Doesn't matter to you that the train keeps hitting the same wall you keep right on jumping on like a lemming.

  2. Too bad Christy didn't just eat Obama. At least then the Democrats could have been truthful in saying that Obama helped somebody in new Jersey.

  3. Social programs is all that you socialists think about.

  4. Obama sucks. So does Patrick Murphy, Lois Frankel and the PBPost. Throw in the Herald too.
