Sunday, November 4, 2012

Two people shot in Lake Worth

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As we continue to pay exorbitant amounts of money to be safe in our city, two people were shot while driving in their vehicle in the 700 block of S. C Street last night.

Read about it here.


  1. How does the Sheriff prevent random violence like this? Please tell me. I feel much safer with the Sheriff here in town, and would pay more to keep them.

  2. Perhaps you don't live in the Hood. If the PBSO would have more road patrol in hot bed areas, it might help. This element still lives in our city. Although FDLE put a lot of the gang members in prison, they still live and thrive here and in specific areas of LW. Not saying that these people were among that element but it is a good guess.

  3. Crime is getting bad again, you can feel it, you hear more about a lot of crime lately again, but you see it too, people hanging out on streets up to know good, more graffiti all over, 1306 was plastered last weekend and all week still graffitied and the owner never addressed it. You see a lot of drunk out and about, broken bottles in streets, drug dealers and prostitutes, the elements are still here and growing, yes here int he hood, and the police are afraid and hide up in the safe nice areas, not being present enough, they come after the fact when the crime shave been committed. The police are a big part of the problem, they are not present enough in the bad areas on a regular basis. The police over look a lot of bad stuff, like people hanging behind Quik Stops drinking, bikes riding the wrong way and without lights one, huge gatherings of loud people, who can seem threatening. The PBSO has become lax and need to step things up start having traffic stops and be present more in the areas of C, D, E and F Streets, in the hood here there are so many illegals and so much lawlessness. If you do not live in it and walk in it, you do nto know what is is really like. The city and police need to and could do more, how many more shootings or crime has to take place again before they step up their efforts to curve these problems? There is just TOO much complacency by the city leaders and police about crime in this city.

  4. Hey Rolando , maybe it's time to get your people off their asses and onto their feet , walking a beat on the south side.And how long are your overpaid county tax collectors in uniform going to drive by the graffiti on 12th Ave south overpass without doing anything? Go earn your fuc4ing fat pensions.If citizens like me get fed up enough to do your job and paint over the crap ourselves,can we submit a bill to Bradshaw?

  5. capt silva looked the other way --when in 2010 we made him aware of dylan harrisson the biggest synthectic marijuna kingpin in america --yes i said america--we also demanded a meeting with commissioners--capt silva stated they did a investigation and found noting --really sir--look at the facts now-----very very bad job silva

  6. 1306 Lucerne has had graffiti now for over a week, still not cleaned up, the owner and city need to clean this stuff up fast, immediately. The police need to setup a substation right in the hood, maybe right in front of the Trpoical Market/Panchitas on Lake Ave between D and S streets, that could help to calm down that area, the police do very little lately, it is getting bad again, they need to be consistent and not let down their impact, they are to apathetic now and the element has gotten out of control now because the police are not present enough. They come after the fact, they need to be on bike and foot and undercover more walking around the little mini markets finding all these people loitering drinking and doing drugs in public. How can we respect our police when they are not present enough doing what they should be doing instead of hiding like little girls.
