Wednesday, November 7, 2012

No Way Home

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Krauthammer, a licensed psychiatrist, offered to write prescriptions to the Fox audience.

With an election fought on lies, distortions and fear tactics against Mitt Romney, the country re-elected Barack Obama.  The 47%, the media, as well as the Hispanic vote brought it home. The greedy mentality of the Occupy Wall Street group prevailed. Obama could not create jobs but only print money. His obligation to us is to be the leader whose function is to alleviate the unavailability of jobs and work. Instead, unemployment grew and those on welfare climbed to record levels.

"For many of us, the unthinkable has happened," says WND Editor Joseph Farah. "America has decisively turned the corner away from the constitutional principles of limited government and self-government with the re-election of Barack Obama. There may be no way home for us."

Read more... at WND.


  1. It is about uniting and working together, the House and Republicans need to get the job done too, they need to learn to work together and unite and stop dividing this country so much, it does nothing for the country as a whole which needs to move FORWARD!

  2. Bush was so much worse, he shouldn't have been impeached. He created the world hate toward us, Obama is still cleaning up their messes from many years ago.

  3. Impeachment requires a crime. Since none has been committed by the POTUS, the Republicans need to accept the many conciliatory gestures made towards repairing the damage caused by their wars and drunken spending sprees financed with foreign debt. Instead of filibusters, get to work for US the next four years, instead of hamstringing government, and doing the dirty work of your corporate sponsors.

  4. Move FORWARD to socialism. Yeah, baby.

  5. “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years.” – Alexis de Tocqueville

  6. Will Obama blame it on Bush for another 4 years?
