Friday, November 2, 2012

Jim Stafford gets campaign contribution from Southern Waste Systems

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Jim Stafford's latest Treasury Report shows a campaign contribution from Southern Waste Systems.

Haven't all of us in Lake Worth had about enough of this company? Not Jim Stafford.

Although one of the smallest contributions from that company in Lake Worth politics--if you want to know something about a candidate, follow the money.

 G4 Treasury Report


  1. Lynn, I don't care who he got money from I just hope he get's elected. At least he does not have his friends out stealing McVoy's sign. Though over 150 0f his have vanished into thin air.

  2. Water seeks its own level.

  3. The point here, knowing the background of this company, it didn't bother him to take the money. They did a lot of damage in our community. All of those who have taken campaign contributions from this company have compromised themselves in ways we may never know.

    As far as stealing signs are concerned, please prove it. Perhaps Stafford placed signs on public rights-of-way, abandoned properties, etc. You don't know the truth so please don't imply it.

    Why do you want him elected? Can a leopard really change his spots? It was only a few years ago that he was the biggest bully in town. No one changes over night unless he had an epiphany.

  4. Money is the root of all evil.

  5. Stafford's paying Blackman $3,000. Something funny going on here.

  6. 10:19 above--thanks Mr. Stafford. You continue to show all of us what you really are.

  7. Jim Stafford has had a make-over. He now wants us to believe he is nothing more than a hard-working family man who cares about this city and all who live here. Smart people will see through this.

  8. I do know that I see many, many Stafford signs in foreclosed and seasonal resident properties. The campaign has always seemed underhanded and like there is a small but vocal group behind his campaign. Let's be honest, the guy doesn't seem like he has had an original thought in decades. Unfortunately many fall for sensationalistic rhetoric and I hope McVoy supporter get out there to vote and keep Stafford off of the commission.
