Thursday, November 8, 2012

It didn't matter about jobs or taxes; it was the Free Stuff

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America, the land of the free and where we bail out companies with taxpayer money and convicted felons get elected to public office.

Convicted eight times for felonies and endorsed by his pastor Mark Holloway at Peace and Goodwill Missionary Baptist Church in Detroit, as well as a large variety of unions, Brian Banks was elected on Tuesday to represent his district in Detroit.

“He is an educator, law graduate, community leader and visionary. Brian Banks has risen to prominence in spiritual, community and academic arenas – against the odds,” his site says. He has a big ego and a gift of persuasion just like our President. Read CBS Detroit.

In Michigan, it all boiled down to the auto industry, convicted felons or not and all those people receiving public assistance in a city with probably the highest unemployment in America who were afraid that Romney would actually create jobs. President Barack Obama was the winner of the 16 electoral votes there — the state that benefited the most from the auto industry bailout with Ohio next with 18 electoral votes.

Mitt Romney's position was that "these companies need to go through a managed bankruptcy, and in that process they can get government help and government guarantees, but they need to go through bankruptcy to get rid of excess cost and the debt burden that they'd built up." The average middle-class voter did not understand this--they only understood their fear of the word "bankruptcy," losing jobs or being removed from welfare roles. Obama quipped, "If we had taken your advice, Gov. Romney, about our auto industry, we'd be buying cars from China instead of selling cars to China." His political line stuck with the auto industry workers and Michigan in general. Obama was "one of them."

According to Forbes:

"Chrysler: repaid $9.2 billion, fulfilling its debt obligations to the U.S. and Canadian governments, and is now owned by Italian automaker Fiat (58.5%) and a health care trust for UAW retirees (41.5%). Overall, taxpayers lost $1.3 billion on the Chrysler bailout. In full recovery mode, Chrysler is currently the fastest-growing car maker in the world.

GM: repaid $23.1 billion of the $49.5 billion it got from the U.S. Treasury, including all of its outstanding loans. But Treasury still owns 500 million shares, or 32%, of GM stock. To recoup its full investment, GM stock needs to hit $52.80 per share. It’s currently trading around $21. GM also received a $106 million matching grant to build a battery factory in Brownstown, MI, where it is assembling battery packs for the Chevrolet Volt plug-in car using cells imported from Korea.

Battery-maker A123 Systems, desperate for money, fell into the hands of a Chinese auto supplier. Another, Ener1, went bankrupt and is now owned by a Russian business tycoon."

Go to Forbes and read who still owes the government. Obama, even if he completely understood Romney's position never would have admitted it--this was political opportunism and instead he used it to his advantage and placated to the workers and the Unions and a convicted felon gets elected in Detroit, one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation. The felon will show them the way just like Obama will.

When companies get handouts, individuals expect the same. Misguided government programs can and have thwarted economic recovery from implementing high taxes on businesses struggling to survive. The result in the 1930's was widespread unemployment for the entire decade.

It was that fear of being cut off from receiving "free stuff" and the false fear that Romney didn't care or understand the average citizen that re-elected Obama. In the end, it didn't matter about jobs or taxes; all that mattered was their belief that Obama would take care of them.


  1. Free stuff had a lot to do with the election, but the major players were the Conservative Christians who stayed at home. Just like McCain before him, Romney did not provide them with a reason to get out and vote. To them, Romney was nothing more than Obama lite and there was no excitement generated in that community. The evangelicals convictions are so strong that they would rather see the country hit rock bottom then to vote for someone they simply do not believe in. Sadly, the country will hit rock bottom under Obama.

    For whatever reason, the Republican hierarchy continues to believe that moderates will carry the day, and they have lost the Presidency in the last two elections because of that belief. Now there is little, to no, chance of winning as we have crossed the line into Socialism. For Republicans to win, they will have to nominate a West, or Cain, or Newt......someone to ignite the base. This they seem unwilling to do.

    Personally, I watched the RCP poll every day and understood that Romney had little or no chance of winning. Others followed Rove and Morris and got great hope from their predictions. That doesn't make me any smarter than the next person, but RCP is unbiased and I have not known it to be wrong by any large margin.

  2. First I must say that I voted for Romney. I also most was swayed to vote for Obama because of you and your endless, nasty bashing of the Democratic Party. Everyone has an opinion and has the right to express it but you and your blog went too far. Now its time drop all the crap and let's get on with life. I don't like Obama's Administration but you have to realize YOU can't do anything about it so why continue to post things that most (if not all the one's who voted for Obama) either do not understand or could care less about the facts. They just think he is a nice guy (and you know where they finish).

    So why not cut the crap and let's get on with the real priority and that is Lake Worth. For once, do some sole searching and starting posting positve things.

  3. It's still a free country, anonymous. This blog is not written just for you. It is picked up nationally. It was blitzing the message daily. You didn't like that, so be world. Read another blog.
    OK? Fair enough?
    Try your own soul-searching. I have strong opinions and I don't plan on writing my blog because your sensibilities have been impugned in some way.
    I don't write fluff blogs. If that's what you want, there is a LW blog out there just for just isn't here.

  4. Anony at 10:10. The writer of this blog is a Democrat and has the right, no matter what affiliation, to express an opinion. You have the right to disagree. To vote for the person who has brought down the economy because you didn't like what you considered Democrat bashing, is really absurd. Do you realize how stupid that sounds? This country didn't get what it deserves.

  5. One person CAN make a difference.

  6. O'Bama's stimulus kept us from going into a 10 year depression hole and we're pulling out of the mini depression now. Look what austerity is doing in Europe.
    O'Bama won cause people just could not take more BUSH & I mean more Bush.

  7. Perhaps. But Spending cuts might well produce prosperity instead of austerity, especially if accompanied by less government interference in the economy and less fear in the private sector of anti-market government policies.
