Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Hanky Panky in St Lucie County?

Click the link for the cold hard facts--
Form the Supervisor of Elections St. Lucie County web site:
Statement of Votes Cast St. Lucie County

...Nothing coming out of Supervisor of Elections Gertrude Walker’s office adds up, stories are constantly changing, and the hostile attitude of the Supervisor is disturbing.  What originally looked like dangerous incompetence is looking more and more like a willful attempt to steal an election.

We will not allow a Democrat Supervisor of Elections to steal this election.  We will pursue every legal means available to ensure a fair and accurate election.

I know you have stood with Allen every step of the way for the past four years and I know you will continue to stand with us as we fight liberal efforts to steal this election.  Your efforts in Palm Beach County and St. Lucie County protecting the integrity of the election have been tremendous these past few days

Tim Edson
Campaign Manager

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