Saturday, October 20, 2012

Patrick Murphy lied last night

Patrick Murphy lied last night. He not only followed the Democratic Platform to a T and used the normal Democratic bullet points, he defended his despicable ads against Allen West even the one where Allen West is punching Granny because of West's stand on saving Medicare for Seniors.

The campaign ads were questioned by the debate monitor who asked both of the candidates if either one wanted to apologize to the other for anything they have said in their ads.  Murphy said his ads were accurate. That statement was challenged by West who said, "Me punching women is accurate?" Murphy responded, "That's not my ad, Sir."

This ad showing Allen West with a gold tooth and boxing gloves was paid by American Sunrise, a PAC funded by his father, Thomas Murphy, who has given Patrick every chance for success by pouring in hundreds of thousands of dollars to defeat West with contemptible, cheap, cruddy and scurvy political attack ads.

We need a Congressman who speaks the truth. Elect Congressman Allen West on November 6.

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