Monday, October 15, 2012

Obama and the U.S. State Department is what killed Chris Stevens?

A 270-page intelligence report in Arabic originating from Libya that names specific al-Qaida operatives in Libya and who is responsible for the murder of U.S. Amb. Christopher Stevens.

The report originated from Muftah Faraj, a member of the Warfalla tribe of Bani Walid in Libya, who is currently in exile from Libya, subsequent to a Skype teleconference Faraj conducted with WND from the Middle East.

“The point everyone misses is that Gadhafi was not a radical Islamist,” Muftah told WND.  “Gadhafi kept al-Qaida out of Libya. If it had not been for NATO, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, al-Qaida would not be in Libya and Chris Stevens would still be alive.”


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