Friday, October 12, 2012

Not your average Joe Blow

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Click here for more. Thanks, Scotty.

1 comment:

  1. The intelligentsia of this Country,knows that the V.P position is occupied by a person, one breath away from the Presidency
    in case of Benghazi style accident of the White House.
    Voting for the present occupant's re-elction places the Country in the hands of 2 proven liars( 9/11 forwarned Attack's video shows 4 attackers with rocket propelled granades,while Obama immediately lied that a mob angry about a 13 minute obscure video, was the reason.Sworn testemony of the National Security and State department officials and Commander of the Security Forces who swore under Oath publicly before Congress and House of Rpe.International T.V., that Banghazi Ambassador and staff, begged 31 times for additional Security needed forces with warning of the imminent 9/11 attack of our Benghazi Diplomatic Post from April till August in Celebration of 9/11 New York WTC Victory!!
    The White House with liar Charlene Lamb, lied about,the desperate requests,about their knowledge, and their refusal to send protection, implying:
    let them burn alive!We know that Diplomatic Posts are in daily Contact with complete reports of any events, with the Homeland.Mandatory and always observed,especially in Muslim extremists' Al-Qaeda hotbeds, known to the whole world except to Amos and Hardy!
    Obama lied 6 times in front of the U.N. meetings (I attended in delegates' Lounge,parties), that the MOB rage was caused by a retarded,little 13 minute video!
    All is on record.
    Liars about one vital(4 Americans dead)thing ,can you ever tell the truth about anything else? Obama's U.N. liars recital established the impression of the United States as a nation with aLIAR IN CHIEF and clowns V.P.
