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This past Tuesday during public commentary, Dennis Dorsey spoke on the Sinclair Engineering Company survey on our pool that was dated July 9, 2012. Not one person on the commission had even heard of it, had been shown it or even knew that the study had been ordered other than Andy Amoroso who had been informed by Mr. Dorsey prior to the meeting. Dorsey pointed out the discrepancies in the Sinclair report and indicated that it was a fictitious "study."
Sinclair was contracted to do a study because the pool was listing by one inch and other reported problems with our pool that were supposedly discovered well into the casino development. Morganti says he's not responsible for any problems with our pool and has a video to prove it. As far as we know, no one has seen the video. As the hardware is corroding in our new casino and other problems have been reported, Scott Maxwell asked that those involved in our casino construction appear at the next city commission meeting. The City paid Sinclair $1,200.68 on July 10, 2012 for their pool "findings."
The Independent citizen engineer referenced in this blog is JOHN ADAIR, who is not only an Engineer and a local taxpayer in the City of
Lake Worth, but the one who also did the engineering on most of the large pools in Palm
Beach County, such as the Lake Lytal pool, the very same size as the present Lake Worth
Casino Pool. Mr. Adair, along with his files, has a lot of personal knowledge pertaining to the LW Casino Pool and
was never once consulted for reliable information. He was familiar with both LW
pools, the original pool and the present one built in 1971. Mr. Adair's father served on the Lake Worth City Commission during WWII and the
family has lived here in Lake Worth since the early 1920s.
SINCLAIR OBSERVATION #1 Depth of pool--Described as 3 feet to 12 feet.
*OBSERVATION FROM INDEPENDENT CITIZEN ENGINEER: Actual depth: 3 feet 6 inches and 12 feet. It was the original pool that was 3 feet.
Sinclair reviewed the geotechnical engineering study by Tierra South Florida dated February 1, 2011 regarding borings that indicated there were organic soils on the west side in areas accessible to a truck mounted drill rig or about 75 feet away from the existing building.
*OBSERVATION FROM INDEPENDENT CITIZEN ENGINEER:There are no borings and even if there were, a boring 75 feet away is irrelevant.
Sinclair references numerous permits relating to routine maintenance and other work at the pool as well as swimming pool alteration plans by Edgar S. Wortman, architect and Chester F. Wright, Engineer. These drawings were done in 1954 and 1956 and drawing number 2 was marked "approved" by the building inspector, Edward H. Gregory.
*OBSERVATION FROM INDEPENDENT CITIZEN ENGINEER: The observations on the plans were on the OLD CASINO POOL which was built in 1922 and was located north of our present pool.
Review of the swimming pool alteration plan revealed that a rollout-type gutter was proposed to be installed on top of the existing pool wall such that it would increase the depth of the water by approximately 1 foot. Note that the pool beam details showed a monolithic pour that included the gutter and a 6 inch raised coping section. Further note that the horizontal crack discussed in Observation 7 did not correspond to the construction joint between the existing pool shell and the concrete beam over pour, Rather, the horizontal crack discussed in observation 7 was in the upper area of the pool below the coping.
The above Sinclair comments refer to the OLD POOL built in 1922 and are not relevant to the present pool built in 1971.
Public Information has been requested for the following: Geotechnical Engineering Study dated 2-1-2011, Complete copy of Pool file, Copy of all worked performed on the Pool in the last 20 years, notification of all repair work from staff or anyone performed on the structure of the pool since it was built in 1971. Engineer Adair has already made his visuals and will then do a written citizen's report after the above information has been provided.
Although Mr. Dorsey pointed out ALL OF THE ABOVE during public
commentary, city manager Bornstein told the Commission that he was going
to rehire Sinclair for a further study. No one on the commission balked
at that idea. It's sort of like going to have your leg amputated and
the surgeon cuts off the wrong one. You would not go back to that
surgeon so why in hell would you go back to Sinclair to pay them more
money to give us their opinion on our multi-million dollar Olympic pool when they just totally screwed you, took your money and gave you a
fictitious report based on data from 56 years ago on a totally
different pool?
The question that comes to my mind, is this study being done to give supporting documentation in Staff's desire to close our pool? If you read the Budget, pool income is not listed through 2017.
Sounds like the opportunity to ask Commissioner Mcvoy what motivated his vote vs. Mr Dorsey's input should not be missed in the next debate.
ReplyDeleteI have sent emails to the other Commissioners on their vote.
As Romney would say, "I have no idea what you're talking about."
ReplyDeleteVote about what?
ReplyDeleteLake Worth's magnificent Olympic size Palm Beach Island Oceanfron swimming pool,ahs been abused,robbed(it's 3-tier diving towerstolen with approval of criminal Contractor,who left the poorhouse/pump rotting with rust ,when left gave L.W.crooked Commission w.Clemens, incorrectly striped, for Olympic training Meets,and left with Clemens approval,Lake Worth Olympic Size,once lucrative Asset,with a bubble wrap pool cover, and showed:Lake Worth tax payers,Igot your tax money,now go to hell.Present MASTER-Neglector of all City Lucrative Assets,City manager Bornstein,who neglected all for 6 years,especially the most photographed Oceanfront Palm Beach Island Addison Miszner Mediterranean 1922 style part of the Casino,and valuable for children drownings prevention,Arthitic and recently operated patients in need of aqua aerobics, restoration of body memory, to prior operations etc. This neglector for 6 years of all Lake Worth lucrative Assets City Manager brought in a Developer to demolish Citizens of Lake Worth,Tax-payers' lucrative, intentionally neglected Assets,on Palm Beach Island Oceand front 20 Acres Lake Worth Citizens owned Beach front Land,destroy with present A-moral Commission elements collaboration(FOR$$$$????)to disown
ReplyDeleteLake Worth and its' Tax payers/paymasters of City Employees,6 years neglectorsof all lucrative Assets.One odious plan:
Tell mothers with small children, in danger of drowning because of lack of swimming ability, we want to close your Olympic size Pool,build a parking Garage on top of cemented off pool.Tell mothers with small in danger of growing and Seniors,post-Operative Patients in need of Auarobics,
TO GO TO HELL.Lake Worth Citizenry is very sophisticated.City Hall employees, keep lake Worth you eat from Lake Worth.,
we pay you for.Pro-Lake worth,humanitarian.
It appears that Mr. Michael Bornstein has an unsavory connection to this film-flam consultant.
ReplyDeleteBut this commission keeps giving him raises, keeps on having out of the sunshine dinners with him, and looks the other way when he gives jobs to his buddies.