Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Being Kept in the Dark

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Last night's city commission meeting was the shortest meeting in history--there was NOTHING on it of significance other than a half million dollar expenditure that the City Manager allowed to be placed on Consent. There is no explanation that has to be given to the Public when an expenditure is put on Consent. City Managers do this when they want their way with little flack. This practice can not be allowed to continue. It seems that the City wants to switch out approximately 20,000 electrical meters out of the 26,000 in the system which may be a very good idea. The item was tabled to a future meeting for more information and discussion.

I kept waiting for someone to bring up the condition at our brand new $6 million dollar casino--faulty and corroded hardware, leaks and whatever other problems for which the public is being kept in the dark. Not a word was spoken by the city manager. Not one commissioner brought it up. Why not?


  1. The Electric meters might be changed so those meters can be read at the plant, like in other areas of fla.
    The door hardware at the casino should have been stainless steel.

  2. Glad SuzAnne moved it to new Biz.

  3. commissioner maxwell addressed it and requested all parties from morganti and reg be present to respond to direct questions in tuesday.

  4. That door handle and hinge, I dont think could have corroded that much since the Casino`s new construction.
