Saturday, September 8, 2012

You can't kill the entrepreneurial spirit

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Sticking it in everyone's ear

Dylan Harrison, owner of the Kavasutra who might go to federal prison for 30 years for manufacturing and distributing an illegal substance, also installed an illegal snipe sign in front of his establishment.  There were several there as of last night. This is a guy with a lot of "spice" and vinegar and in your face.

Mr. Harrison is very well aware that Lake Worth Code Enforcement rarely works nights and never works weekends. He is also aware that our business at all costs city commission won't do anything about illegal signs in front of his establishment. He has learned to "game" the system at his kava bar located right next door to where our city manager Bornstein has rented an apartment and a few shops away from Commissioner Amoroso's store.

Channel 5 news had reported on Harrison several months ago when the warehouse he was renting to manufacture Mr. Nice Guy blew up. Chopper 5 captured exclusive video of one warehouse on N. Military Trail being raided in "Operation Log Jam." The above sign reflects an extremely wry sense of humor as Harrison attempts to turn the seriousness of the charges against him into a positive.

Read more... of the original story by Channel 5.


  1. You gotta love the sheer balls this sign has. Maybe this guy ought to run for Mayor.

  2. .....its basically saying....."In your face Lake Worth!"

  3. this is what kind of people come to lake worth because of the reputation this city has,they think anything goes here---- we wonder why the city is still in agony

  4. The city is not in agony.Walking around door knocking with a candidate(guess which one can actually walk for more than 1/2 a block),I was very surprised that most people said they were pretty satisfied with Lake Worth.
