Thursday, September 27, 2012

Union backers and Socialists harass Allen West

Comment Up

"We should be able to talk about the differences between the direction that we want to take America," West said. "But instead all they (protesters) want to do — it's about the politics of character assassination."

~ Allen West

It seems anarchists and protesters caused havoc again--Stand Up Florida, which hires some paid pickets, such as Cara Jennings, is backed by the Service Employees International Union and CREDO SuperPAC, has taken aim at several high-profile Republicans across the country. They got involved in another Allen West event.

Stand Up Florida has organized several recent anti-West protests (their mission in life and what keeps food on their table,  ironically a sick sense of free enterprise/capitalism that they constantly demonstrate against). Lynne Purvis, Socialist, activist, occupier and good friend of Jennings is in charge of Stand Up Florida's efforts.

Lynne Purvis Mug Shot
Minus the facial jewelry

I don't know why they think Allen West is part of a Tea Party race as he has not gone along with many Tea Party ideas and his voting record proves it. But this is where these anti-free speech demonstrators don't know what in hell they are talking about.

It is all about liberals and socialists who are against anyone who disagrees with their socialist principles. They are against conservatives and even people who believe in God who are simply asking for fiscal responsibility and for people to take charge of their own lives rather than being dependent upon government for everything.



  1. For years you've argued that jennings was not an anarchist, that was a merely a figment of the "other side's" imagination.
    Why are you telling the truth now?

  2. While I do not agree with these protesters like Cara and Lynn, I do agree with this letter to the editor by a FAU Professor, Dr. Deb Harris, about West, you can see it at in the Stuart News:

    or pasted below:

    Deb Harris, Stuart

    Letter: West makes for super sound bites, terrible congressman

    When we elect people to Congress, we expect that they will go to D.C. to help solve the problems facing our country. Doing so requires an ability to listen to multiple perspectives, to make reasonable arguments in favor of one's position, and to be able to negotiate and cooperate with others in order to forge a solution.

    Allen West doesn't understand this. By demonizing anyone who disagrees with him — saying someone is "vile and despicable," or using outrageous falsehoods (saying "78-81 House Democrats are members of the Communist Party"), West has made it impossible for himself to be an effective lawmaker.

    While his many divisive comments have been great for his fundraising campaigns, and for bringing him the media attention he craves, they've cost him the ability to work with other legislators on measures that would help the middle class.

    (Though to be honest, it isn't clear that helping the middle class is a priority for him, as evidenced by his votes to voucherize Medicare, to give increased tax cuts to the wealthy, and to keep the U.S. military in Iraq and Afghanistan.)

    This year we have in Patrick Murphy the chance to elect a congressman who not only has a strong fiscal background (CPA, small-business man), but who also has the temperament to work constructively and collaboratively to get things done.

  3. I don't necessarily believe she is an anarchist but she likes to call herself one.
    Why are you always so arbitrary?
    Time for your nap.

  4. 1:38--you have it azz is the Democrats that are demonizing Col. Allen West. Get it right. Also, I would suggest that you go to his web site and understand what he does believe. You are clueless and playing the liberal, left wing card.

  5. You sounds a lot like West here, there is always grey and a difference of opinions on any matter, clueless and playing, attacking just like West does sometimes is not right either, we all need to listen to each other and respect and realize the differing views citizens have, we need to be opened and embrace all whether we agree or not. There is too much of this my way or the highway mentality nowadays in our society.

    "1:38--you have it azz is the Democrats that are demonizing Col. Allen West. Get it right. Also, I would suggest that you go to his web site and understand what he does believe. You are clueless and playing the liberal, left wing card."

  6. Katie you can't seem to understand that all you have to do is wind Westie up and let him go. Nobody needs to demonize him as he does it to himself over and over and over.
    If you happen to believe everything he says like it's a religion that says more about you than Westie.
    81 Democrats are communists? Is THAT on his website?
    Clueless blind fools.

  7. What he said--
    “It’s called the Congressional Progressive Caucus.”
    The words you need to pay attention to are the words of the members of the Progressive caucus. They speak for themselves. Call it what you may, but these House members are clearly not proponents of capitalism, free markets or individual economic freedom. That is what West was alluding to. And he's right!

  8. Lynn you have such a problem with what or who Jennings is because you really don't know what an anarchist is. The only god we have a problem with is the money god that you all seem to worship. Yes we can get paid to express our beliefs and at times like when we are pepersprayed or abused by the police we can make alot of money by suing the entities. We have very good lawyers who are willing to work for free.We are in charge of our lives that is what bothers some of you the most, the fact that you all are really not in charge of your lives. Your just working for the almighty dollar and all the anxiety and turmoil it brings. Free your self from all material trappings and you will free yourself.

  9. I guess you're right about that. Perhaps she is just a "shock-trooper."
    you got something against working for money to pay your bills rather than continuing to suck a teat and have someone else paying them for you?

  10. Lynn, for years you have called certain among us, ' the dirty dozen', who called out the anarchist group which exists in our town, and whom had been elected to office in LW.
    You now have a dialect going with one of their own...and still, it seems you refute their existence.
    From their own mouths, they exist; from their own mouths, they purport their mission....
    I am shocked that only now, you are engaging with a well spoken member of their group - and your answer is...' you got a problem with (sic) making $ to pay you bills?'
    Might you not take serious issue with what that group signifies?

  11. I don't like people who are self-serving...they irritate me the most. We have a lot of two-faced phonies in LW.

    As far as anarchists or those who say they are, we had one elected in this city. She did a good job 50 of the time. The rest of the time it was dreadful...take the beach redevelopment as one example of using government money just to redesign parking lots and get more grass. Ridiculous.

    I do not refute their existence. The only thing that one did here that was socialistic was The Mentoring Center. Susan Stanton ended that. Your boy Clemens voted for it and it attracted tons of illegals. You never took serious issue with him or the rest of the awful decisions he made.

    Who is the well spoken member of the group of socialists? Jo-Ann? I happen to like Jo-Ann who is a highly moral person. Someone else? Not all Republicans or Democrats are bad either.

  12. We came into this world suckling on a teat and we can leave this world doing the same as you put it. Think of a world without religon, without war, without poverty, without political parties or without hate. You can't but we can. Lennon not Lenin was able to challenge you on this premise with "Imagine",and he made millions of us think if just for awhile about the possibilities, and he made millions at the same time.Which is pretty much getting paid for expressing your beliefs.

  13. More revisionism.
    For years you denied there were any anarchists in Lake Worth and that it was all a figment of the "dirty dozen's" imagination.
    Go back and check your own writing.

  14. There are anarchists in every city. BUT, show me where I said there were no anarchists in LW. Is this part of the Weds Blackman "revisionist" bull?

  15. Nice mug shot of the lovely Ms Purvis. Old one? Don't think she's been arrested in a while. Hope she doesn't waste a perfectly good presidential cycle!

  16. WHY do you keep promoting "LTC" West to "COL". If you are going to keep using his rank, please get it right. He retired as a LTC.
    Sent by a Army Veteran.

  17. Hi Army Vet-Thanks for your service.
    While written as "Lt. Colonel" in orders and signature blocks, as a courtesy, lieutenant colonels are addressed simply as "colonel" verbally and in the salutation of correspondence. The U.S. Army uses the three letter abbreviation "LTC." The U.S. Air Force and United States Marine Corps use the abbreviations "Lt Col" and "LtCol" (note the space) respectively.
    If you noticed probably half of the news media simply state Colonel or Congressman when referring to Allen West.
