Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Worst Recovery since the Great Depression

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We continue to hear from Democrats that Obama inherited the worst economy since the Great Depression. They continue to blame George W. Bush. They don't want to listen to Jeb Bush who keeps telling them, "Stop blaming my brother." Here are some facts:

"The record of President Obama's first three years in office is in, and nothing that happens now can go back and change that. What that record shows is that President Obama, with his throwback, old-fashioned, 1970s Keynesian economics, has put America through the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression. The American people are much poorer now because of that, and will remain poorer, falling farther and farther behind, until we change course and restore traditional American prosperity"

Read more... at the American Spectator.


  1. Anonymous--calling me names is not going to get you anywhere. Try to be nice.

  2. Obama hands Egypt over to radical Islam. Obama refuses to meet with the Prime Minister of Israel.Obama has NOTHING to say to the nation about the ATTACK ON AMERICA by radical Islamists in Egypt. Obama blames the attacks on our embassy on Christians "offending" radical Islam. Obama has nothing to say to the nation about the KILLING OF OUR U.S. Ambassador to Libya! As of late last night it was just"an American has been killed".Hilary Clinton,secretary of state, -SILENT.

  3. That's because Obama is a radical Muslim in hiding, didn't you hear? He's opening the door to our country and letting every radical Muslim right into the White House. I heard some of them even are sleeping there right now. And yeah Obama should have condemned the killing even before they could confirm it, WTH is wrong with him???? Just know this if Obama stays in office we will ALL DIE! AND if you do not vote for Obama his people will come around to each and everyone one of you and stick live bees up your nose. Just saying. Shhhhh.

  4. On Obama's command Lake Worth is going to start incorporating Sharia Law into the city's daily business.

  5. Our country was attacked and NO mention on the liberal news media.

  6. So who exactly are you voting for then?

    Anyway this has nothing to do with what you stated or being an American. What BS!! All of the party line crap you spew is exactly that. Turn off FOX news (although I do love Megyn Kelly) and loosen up that grip on yourself. You are brain-washed. Oh boy Mit didn't waste a second jumping on this for pure political reasons. I can't wait if he does make it into the White house, to see what happens when reality starts and politics end. No longer will he be able to jump on the political bandwagon, rather he will be forced to react with actual facts even if the news media is insisting he act NOW. Should be very interesting.

    And I still believe that America truly is great, even including all the brain washed dim wits. Good luck to us all!!

  7. Democrats are such lovely people.

  8. We love you too, even if you are an evil rotten republican. LOL!!
