Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Re-Election of Commissioner Christopher McVoy

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With integrity that cannot be breached or corrupted by outside influence, Christopher McVoy is running again for re-election to the Lake Worth City Commission District 2.

Reminder Introduction:

• Senior Environmental Scientist, Everglades Restoration Project

• Community Educator and University Lecturer

• Governor’s Commission for a Sustainable South Florida

• 14 Year resident and homeowner in Lake Worth

• Ph.D., Cornell University

• M.S., University of Florida

We need honesty in government.


  1. Integrity is great, but is that the only thing you can say about the guy after two years in office? Are you saying that Jim Stafford has no integrity, is influenced by outside financial interests or has sold his soul to materialism?

    During McVoy’s first year in office, he sat with the ruling majority. I don’t remember him proposing or changing anything when he sat with the majority.
    I worry that McVoy often doesn’t seem to have read the back up, doesn’t understand most Commission topics and openly states that he is deferring to his colleagues who “understand these matters better than I”.

    Most upsetting to me is that McVoy is very willing to defer to Utility Staff on Operational and CIP matters. McVoy calls the Utility Staff “solid professionals, experienced and on the job every day. If that was enough, why are the utilities so screwed up and expensive?

    Now who is this Jim Stafford guy, other than the Lake Worthless broadcasts?

  2. It's definitely not the only thing I can say but it is the start.

    Proposing or changing ANYTHING?

    Personally, I can't remember too much that was significant last year other than this trio firing Susan Stanton. McVoy voted against that motion. Now we are back robbing reserves to balance a budget.

    There was a civility resolution that this trio also does not adhere to. McVoy voted for that.

    We did pay for a trip for Maxwell to go to Washington D.C....that was a vote that should have been "nay."

    Now that you are on the utility board, perhaps you will be smarter than our engineers, etc. Sometimes, anonymous, you have to know your limitations and defer to experts.

  3. OK so you can't name one..... even one good idea spearheaded by McVoy. Then, with the wealth of knowledge he has through his college degrees, was he ever able to bring one issue to a compromise? Change the minds of the "other side"?

    I agree with many of his stances on solar and alternative energy, but deferring to the "experts" like Stanton, Mulvehill and Mattey has gotten us in a real pickle. As he might say.

    Stafford has shown leadership in starting one of the first citizen blogs because he was PO'd about the LWU and endured quite a bit of hatred from you Lynn.

    He wants Lake Worth Utilities to benefit us or look into how much it is worth.

    He's the son of immigrants, has been a homeowner for longer than Chris. He is college educated. So we do have a choice. Not just the lesser of two evils.

  4. This is not a blog for Stafford.

    You have it all wrong, anonymous--it was he who hated everyone and I was one of his number one targets. He had a HATE BLOG but then I have already written about that.

    I will not take anymore comments on Stafford as I don't plan on writing one more thing about least that's my plan for now.

  5. Chris Mcvoy is a gentleman who has never spearheaded hate or ugly personal attacks. What exActly is spearheading? is that like voting down a budget for the past several years that was not robbing reserves versus this years that is? maxwell spearheaded that.

  6. How in the F*&^ could he get a compromise when the mayor calls Points of order when he speaks.

  7. OK so no more about his opponent. Let's get back to McVoy. Yes, he is a gentleman. He is an environmentalist. He practices what he preaches. Does he even have a car?

    That said, he is not a leader. He follows and makes sometimes absurd statements and when he starts lecturing, he is called for it. I remember him asking what a P&L Statement is.

    We need someone who knows what a friggin P&L Statement is.

    For the NEXT most important decision to be made, the one that has everything to do with Lake Worth's viability for the future, we need someone who is not tunnel visioned on the most "sustainable" and "earth friendly" mechanism, no matter what it costs us.

    We also need someone to stand up for people in our district. McVoy has done nothing for the past two years but been part of the problem majority. It's time for hope and change.

  8. Yes he has a car.
    And yes, he knows what a P&L statement is. McVoy sometimes asks a question to get the explanation into the record. He does this with a purpose. It's not because he doesn't know the answer. Just like he asked about the word "perpetuity." He certainly was not part of the problem when he voted against this budget. Let's get some examples from you, anonymous, as to how he's been part of the problem.

    Hope and change? You mean like Obama, driving the economy into more debt just like this trio voted to rob reserves to balance the budget?!!!!

  9. This city was going in the right direction. Not much hope right now and I sure am not happy with the change. Vote Mcvoy!

  10. McVoy asked the P&L question to Mulvehill at at a Commission meeting in the Meeting Room behind the commission Chambers.
    Mulvehill shrugged her shoulders and said "It is a financial statement", which is of course correct, but not very definitive or helpful to McVoy.
    What bothers me most is that trust McVoy has in staff. I believe that trust is misplaced.

  11. It is up to Bornstein to ensure that the commission is getting the correct information from staff in order to vote properly. You have to trust but verify so I understand your point.

  12. I do miss those days of staff, Stanton, providing transparent, non debatable facts to the commission so the bet decisions could be made.

    Thankful that staff was dead on with regard to the casino project....$6 million, not a penny more!

    What an inspiration.

  13. Nay for Maxwell to Washington DC, yes for Mulvehill to go to Sopot and Germany? Is this a Polish type joke?

    Polish Chris

  14. NAY to all these types of "vacations" on the taxpayer dime, Polish C.


  16. Anon at 8:37 pm If that is the case I cannot wait till he starts asking for an additional $50,000.00 a year for the next five years for bike lanes.

  17. If it's in the CIP, it will probably get done but I believe it was taken out. Maybe Maxwell has an Answer.

  18. Wrong Lynn it is still there, and he was complaining that he did not feel it was enough. What should it be budgeted $100,000.00 for the next 5 years for bike lanes? We could bring back a few employee's that were let go under Stanton" watch with that kind of Money.
