Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Angel of Death - American Bald Eagle

Idiotic comments up!


  1. "Angel of death in the form of an American Bald Eagle will visit you and wreak havoc and destruction upon your existence"?!!??!!?

    He sounds like he's auditioning for Super Friends League of Justice! That shit is comedy gold! ROTFPMSL!! >sigh< Anyway, some of us will miss him. Black Dynamite is almost as entertaining, but we know that's fiction... Westy's convinced his is REAL.

  2. Lake Worth Herald tomorrow? You may want to spend the day in bed. The Lake Worth outage today and then look at Chris McVoy's list of accomplishments on his new website. Makes you wish you contributed your campaign money to the other guy. Good night, sweetie.

  3. I have no control over what Mark Easton writes. He clearly is on the "other side" of politics in this city. That "news" publication always has been on a different plane in life. It does hatchet jobs on some people all to be popular with one crowd and to get the advertising dollars. He can get slaps on the back for being so "clever" and so wrong. Talk about sad.

    At least McVoy HAS accomplishments and those listed on his web site are solid. I gave my contribution to the RIGHT guy, a person who does not harass people and who has integrity and one who is very smart.

    Don't call me "sweetie" to be demeaning. That's what I mean about nice people like McVoy--you could take some lessons from him as you are not one of them. But wrong people who aren't very nice are elected to office.

  4. Go West!Thank God we still have some elected officials willing to stand up to the savages in the Middle East,not bow down to them like their puppet, Obama! Go West!


  5. This guy is a danger to our country. Another bomb first ask questions later guy. He will join George W as the worst of the worst.

  6. You are wrong, of course, anony above.

  7. West for President.

  8. “In most communities it is illegal to cry "FIRE" in a crowded assembly. Should it not be considered serious international misconduct to manufacture a general war scare in an effort to achieve political aims?”

    - President Dwight Eisenhower (R)

    West's infantile and impotent sabre rattling echos Netanyahu's kindergarten "red line" presentation at the UN. He's used the "nuclear Iran" scare tactic for twenty years... just his regurgitated attempt to provoke the USA into action at his behest. Fortunately the US state department is in better hands now. W dragged us into Iraq using some of Bebe's false intel and urging. That pointless war did more to hurt US interests than any al-Qa'ida attack. Plenty of thoughtful Iraelis would do the right thing to create a separate Palestinian state, which would alleviate much of the strife in the region... if not for the fear-mongering of their Prime Minister. Netanyahu showed his ass at the UN and everyone there knows it.

    And really: "Angel of Death"? Combining a mythical metaphor and our national symbol with language that sounds like some fantasizing 7th grader is offensive. On the other hand, West does exhibit traits of the Bald Eagle: big hawk and scavenger. Sometimes I think Franklin was right to champion the Wild Turkey.

  9. You need Allen Wests in Congress. If nothing else, to be a polar opposite to Bernie Sanders. They both tell it like it is, not mincing words and are effective at stirring the pot.

    While I don't agree with all his positions, I have a huge respect for him as a leader, a representative and someone who can show that conservatism is colorblind.

    Obama turned out to be a wimp. That's the reason he couldn't get things done in the last 4 years. If he had shown the kind of conviction West shows, the relentless pursuit of his deep held ideas, he'd have garnered more support from his public which in turn, would have forced Congress to act.

    It is the mamby pamby wishy washy politicians not willing to say what they think and stand behind their convictions that have led to this gridlock and why NOTHING has gotten done in Congress for years.

    West speaks for a lot of disgruntled Americans and apparently his words hit a chord. He is a man of strong character. Jennings and Purvis and Wasserman-Schultz just help bring him more attention with their antics.

    Lesser men would have backed down when these idiots make fools of themselves. Instead of backing down, he comes back at them. Something that doesn't happen very much anymore.

  10. W dragged us into Iraq using some of Bebe's false intel and urging. That pointless war did more to hurt US interests than any al-Qa'ida attack.

    You are really one SICK SOB to say something so horrible. Why weren't you in the Twin Towers on 9-11.
