Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Simple Arithmetic - Mitt Romney speaks out

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The other day, an anonymous liberal on this blog asked why he should trust conservatives. Number one reason is, they tell the truth.

Mitt Romney's letter:

At the Democratic National Convention, former President Bill Clinton told America that his solution to joblessness and budget deficits was one word -- arithmetic. I couldn’t agree more.

Let’s take a look at Barack Obama’s record these last four years -- I think you’ll agree the numbers just don’t add up:

  • $23 million Americans are out of work, have stopped looking for work, or are underemployed
  • $16 trillion national debt (that’s $50,000 for every American)
  • 43 straight months of 8% or higher unemployment
  • 4 straight trillion dollar budget deficits in a row -- more than any other president combined

Ultimately, it’s simple arithmetic -- the policies of Barack Obama just don’t add up to the kind of future America deserves.

My economic plan creates 12 million new jobs. Jobs that will help middle class families move forward again. Jobs that will help restore the American Dream.

With your support, we can put Americans back to work. It's simple arithmetic.

Mitt Romney


  1. The only problem is that Mitt has not told the American people just how he is going to do it. As you know the devil is in the details. Both Romney and Ryan have not released any details on their plan yet.This is why I am undecided. I refuse to be led down a path only to findout too late that the plan was not good for the country.

  2. Sounds like you've taken the time to still be in rapture with a rock star who has totally ruined the US economy.
    Romney's plan seeks to reduce taxes, spending, regulation, and government programs. It seeks to increase trade, energy production, human capital, and labor flexibility. It relinquishes power to the states instead of claiming to have the solution to every problem.

  3. Go to mittromney.com. Obama keeps saying he needs 4 more years because he just can't fix anything because of the mess he had to work with. Who would want 4 more years of Obama when he has NO PLAN. Do we really want 4 more years of the SAME?

  4. Been there. I just can't see the specifics anywhere. Yes 12:46 I know all the things he says he is going to do but not one how he will do it.And of course the states can do such a good job. Look at what a Republican governor did in California. Maybe he will reveal something in the Great Debates. We'll see.

  5. Arnold Schwarzenegger? he had to battle an established state Democratic Party committed to an ever larger welfare state, and expanding state union worker benefits.

  6. I think the point is that Arnold could not do it. There you go blaming the problem on the Dems. kind of like Obama is with Bush. It doesn't matter who or why, FIX IT.It takes help from the Federal government to get these states that got themselves into trouble out of it.No one has given one specific as to how any of Romneys plan will pan out. Not One.
