Saturday, September 15, 2012

Romney's Tone

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For those who could not read this on the right side of the blog!


  1. That's all the left wing liberal media who said Romney made a mistake. The BIG tremendous irresponsible error, that cost millions in property damage and American lives is attributed to Obama's State Department for lack of security.

  2. I didn't realize George Will and Peg Noonan were part of the imaginary left wing liberal media. For years I thought they were beacons and the voices of conservatism. Being a staunch conservative I would think you knew that.
    can't you get ANYTHING right?

  3. Will was also critical of the White House, noting that Jay Carney, Obama's press secretary, also misunderstood the situation in the Middle East when he said the riots weren't about U.S. policy, but an anti-Islam video.

    Peggy Noonan gets confused sometimes. all conservatives can't be spot on ALL OF THE TIME.
