Saturday, September 8, 2012

Raccoon at Home Depot

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It was startling to see a Raccoon in broad daylight,
climbing a fence and staring right at us.



  2. To the one person (Ryan) who came over here personally attacking me for writing about Stafford--candidates need and must be vetted. This is how he was just a few years ago. He was not Mr. Lily White but vicious and mean. As you are one of his supporters you were probably one of those who participated in the vilification of citizens who disagreed with him and your side of politics. Are we to hide the facts? Hide the truth? Because someone is a father or is a web designer or whatever, does not automatically give him credentials to be a city commissioner. A candidate needs to be trustworthy, honest, ethical and be able to reach out to all people. Several years back he was not and held none of those qualities and most people will tell you that a leopard does not change his spots.

    So, whether I am a senior citizen, or whatever negative you want to make up for me or whatever vile personal attack, does not change Stafford or what he did. It is you with the missives that just prove Stafford probably has not changed because of the people around him are exactly the same as he was just a few years ago. People hang out with people of like kind and similar values. Some people do things for others without having to brag about it or tell about it...

    We want you to live a long life, be productive and understand that truth matters in spite of it all, so I invite you to learn what is truth and why it is important especially for someone wanting to LEAD THIS CITY.

    As far as my blog goes, I write what I want to write about. You don't like it, write your own or stay off of here. Thanks very much.

  3. Very few people have the guts to sign their name to anything, me included.

  4. Even the Raccoons are having a tough time under Obama!. They are learning that food is around in the daytime.As long as it wasn't stumbling or looking uncoordinated (walking in circles, etc. it was probably okay. Just hungry.The poor things don't have any habitat left.

  5. Stafford will fix that.

  6. Blackman is behind Sgtafford and writing all his stuff. Blackman already has lsot two times in LW. What mroe do you need to udnerstand that Stafford is not the one.

  7. I was wrong you are going to turn every blog into an attack of Mr. Stafford.At least this time you shock it up a little. It wasn't I heard he was about attack me but, don't come over here personally attacking me. I guess it will be a long, long, election season.

  8. Stop coming over here and writing about Jim Stafford on every blog that I do and how unfair I am, etc., etc., etc.,and it will not happen.
