Sunday, September 9, 2012

Quotes of the Day - Patrick Murphy and Allen West

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Phony Politics from Patrick Murphy

"How dare Allen West question my faith. This deeply offensive ad is not in the spirit of American political discourse and inappropriately attempts to assign guilt by association. Once again, Allen West has crossed a line with this hateful ad. His campaign tactics are reprehensible and not befitting a Member of Congress."

~ Patrick Murphy


"It would be nice if Patrick Murphy was half as upset about Democrats removing God and Jerusalem from their platform, or booing when they were added back in, as he is pretending to be about our new tv ad which simply points out what happened."

~ Allen West


Politics and Polls


  1. It would be nice if we could leave religion out of politics. . .

  2. It takes time to explain your tactics. It's like trying to solve a puzzle. Smoke and mirrors, and all that. But you cannot believe the look in people's eyes when they get it. It's like, "wow," and it all makes sense. How you are pushing votes to Obama, Murphy, et al. Clemens has seriously soured on you; you certainly didn't push any votes his way, why is that? Have a theory on that one. Oh, was lovely meeting you at Chris' fundraiser.

  3. Well, you're trying too hard $50 donation. It's simple really. I like Allen West. I do not like Obama. And Jeff Clemens made some horrendously bad decisions for Lake Worth.

    Allen West is winning the polls.
    Obama and Romney are virtually tied.
    Clemens could lose his election if Bernard succeeds in proving his case.

    I was not at Chris' fundraiser but hope to attend one.

    Now I am starting to understand you all--you do an excellent job of twisttng people's own words, taking them out of context even and just plain lying. Way to go. Hope the American people see through it all.
