Monday, September 3, 2012

Obama Birther Issue won't die

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The issue of Obama's birthplace has been talked about prior to his becoming President in 2008. It continues and rightfully so. It is confusing when you have Obama who must be born in the United States in order to be President saying he was born in Hawaii and there are all sorts of documents saying otherwise. He told Harvard that he was born in Kenya. Whichever it is, somewhere along the line, a lie was told.

Now he is making light of the controversy, mocking his critics, and has produced a Birther Button.
No sooner did the above button appear, when a made in Africa button appeared.

And the serious issue of birth continues.


  1. Aww geeze! The people who produced that article for the Harvard Law Review have said it was a mistake on their part. Obama did not give them the information, actually it was a publication that was not even connected with Harvard that mad e the mistake.

    Lot's of people think Elvis is still alive too.

    A little fact checking goes a long way, even the majority of the "birthers" admit that that article is not proof at all that he was not born in the US.

    A mistake was made and a lie was not told, at least a lie was not told by Obama in connection with this article.

  2. Did you know the same number of people that still believe that Obama is not an american still believe Iraq was responsible for 9/11 and had nuclear weapons.

  3. Well then, perhaps you can realize that Obama lies and our economy is in the toilet. But then, he blames that on Bush. Great going Democrats! time to take responsibility.

    Not born in Kenya? Well let's see all his college transcripts then. Let's see the application.

  4. Just like obama suggests Romney has something to hide for not releasing 10 years of tax returns, why doesn't he release his college transcripts?

  5. This mystery is easily solved.

    First, the U.S. State Department has to release what Passport Obama used for his trip to Pakistan in 1981. It was illegal for a U.S. Citizen to travel there at that time so Obama must have used a foreign passport.....or received a special exemption. It is doubtful that a college student could have received such an exemption, but not entirely impossible.

    The second piece of information would be for the Social Security Administration to release the March 1977 application for a Social Security number by Obama. This will be a little more difficult as the same SS# was issued to another gentleman who was born in the 1890. SS# are never re-used, but this could be just another anomaly in Obama's life.

  6. Anonymous 1:49

    You are gullible, please check this out

    And then this

    I am sure you think we never landed on the moon too!

  7. LOL
    I am sure that you know what $16 TRILLION DOLLARS in debt means though.

  8. ,url.,/url.

    All in all, George Bush took an actual surplus of $127 billion in 2001, and turned it into a deficit of $319 billion in 2005. His total in new spending equaled over $5 trillion. This figure dwarfs the $1.44 trillion in new spending President Obama is expected to make through two terms ending in 2017.
    It should be noted that the biggest spending spree George Bush and the Republicans went on, according to these figures from the Congressional Budget Office, were the Bush Tax Cuts. The New York Times report puts it this way; “If all of them [Bush Tax Cuts] expired as scheduled at the end of 2012, future deficits would be cut by about half, to sustainable levels”.

  9. The National Debt has risen $4.939T since Obama took office. By the end of this year, the federal debt is expected to be $16.2 trillion, which is $6.2 trillion more than when President Obama first came into office four years ago. Moreover, new analysis by the Republican side of the Senate Budget Committee finds that, over the next 4 years, if Barack Obama remains president and his budget is enacted, $4.4 trillion will be added to the federal debt. Where do you come up with your figures?
