Saturday, September 1, 2012

Mack Bernard proceeds with election law suit

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Mack Bernard did it--he sued, along with Addie Greene, and Phillippe Louis Jeune, a leader in the Haitian community, alleging that 40 absentee ballots were not counted in his election against Jeff Clemens. Also, 9 voters' ballots were discarded because the poll worker failed to indicate their Party affiliation.

27 affidavits were provided by Bernard and more are being collected from people who did cast their vote and swearing that they are who they say they are.

Bernard appears to have a good case to overthrow this election and become the winner of District 27.

I simply object to Addie Greene making this into a "race" issue and her saying that African-American voters have been disenfranchised. Get over it.


  1. the people who voted for Obama are racists.

  2. Does a State Senator who's only concern is his first time Haitian absentee ballot voters (which the campaign helped to recieve, fill out and deliver) represent YOU???

  3. Addie Greene is the biggest racist around.She hates white people. If she is behind Bernard,no way do I want him around. Bernard has shown himself to be corrupt. The "voters" in the Osborne neighborhood will cast their vote for a hot dog. How much did Bernard have to pay these sudden voters?

  4. Bernard is an AMERICAN and as such represents me. There you go again, playing the race card. It truly is sickening.

    Bernard is concerned about all the votes cast in his election and that they all count. You have a problem with that.

  5. Unfortunately, Clemens did a lousy job representing me when he was mayor of Lake Worth. Clemens only represents Clemens.

  6. Addie Greene is the one playing the race card. Bernard should be ashamed of even being seen with her. Greene would not be lifting a finger for Bernard if he were not black. That's not racist,it's the truth.

  7. 9:20 above. I have to agree with you on this. It is too bad that Bernard was persuaded by the black community to have Greene on this suit. He should have been the lone filer. But having said that, we shall see if the merits of the suit prevail regardless of what some of us believe about Greene and her playing the race card.

  8. The Little Dutch boySeptember 1, 2012 at 9:50 AM

    Look at your title: "proceds"? And "lawsuit" is one word. Have a little bit of a hangover this morning?

  9. Must be a Clemens supporter. Perhaps on that medical marijuana or just someone who knows all about legal suits?

  10. You mean the one who knows how to steal campaign signs and petitions? That one? The very same one who got kicked off the CRA years ago? That one?

  11. Shouldn't the person with the most votes win regardless of whether they are white, blacks, or Hispanics?

  12. What do you expect from Greene? She is a racist. In fact, most of the black community around here is racist. All she can do is hurt Bernard.

  13. Bernard is not a state senator yet.

  14. It would seem that this is an obvious case of Voter Fraud and should be investigated by the PBC IG.
    The contested votes from Absentee Ballots have different signatures than on the SOE Voter Records.
    Who signed them?
    Of course, the Benard Campaign distributed the Absente Ballots to Haitians, collected the completed Ballots and turned then into the SOE.
    Is the SOE incompetent or is there Voter Fraud that involves the Benard Campaign?

  15. The SOE, IMO, tries its best. Signatures change and depending upon the circumstances, can look entirely different. If I sign under normal circumstances, or in a hurry or at the bottom of my check page while it is still in the book, as examples, the signature can look different. Bernard has the right and the SOE can challenge. the court will decide I guess.

    I don't know how absentee ballots were distributed or whether or not there was a team of campaigners collecting all of them to ensure that they were mailed in on time. It seems unlikely. There are over 40,000 Haitians in PB County and who knows how many in Bernard's district.

    Minorities need representation too, not just blue-eyed blonds. Bernard is an ethical young guy, at least that's how he struck me.
