Friday, September 21, 2012

Libertarians Invite District 2 candidates to speak

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I really resent political parties getting involved in our non-partisan races in Lake Worth.

The Libertarian Party of Palm Beach County (LP Palm Beach) has regular social meetings in downtown Lake Worth each month and found it fitting to invite district 2 city commission candidates to speak to their group. The race is between incumbent Christopher McVoy and political new comer Jim Stafford. McVoy never responded to the libertarians’ request to speak at this week's meeting and Stafford readily agreed so unfortunately we cannot effectively comment on McVoy’s race to keep his job at the city. Lake Worth voters will decide between McVoy and Stafford on November 6, 2012 during the general election.

Read more about it: Libertarians accuse McVoy of no show.

When speaking with Commissioner McVoy he stated, "I never saw the invitation but just saw one on Facebook today inviting me to an October meeting. I plan on attending that."


  1. Maybe If McVoy would check his e mail, and respond once in a while. He would have seen his invitation and could have attended. Of course in his mind, he never gets invited to anything. I am sick of his excuses, and you making excuses for him.

  2. First of all,
    I don't know how he was invited--e-mail or snail mail, so I can't respond to your statement about not answering e-mail or checking on them.
    I also can't respond to his mind as you just did or whether he gets invited to things or not.
    I am reporting what he told me. You don't like that, so

  3. I also resent the Republicans/Democrats/Libitarian/Greens sticking their noses into what is SUPPOSED to be a NON-PARTISAN race!!!As far as state/national races-go knock yourselves out.

  4. Stafford's biggest fan Blackman is being paid $1000 as a consultant by him according to his campaign report.

  5. Is that a cover-up I detect on the T-Report? I think Blackman is his campaign manager?

  6. Blackman, the one who calls everyone a revisionist when they disagree with him implying they are re-writing history or they are just too damn stupid to know what they're talking about. The chair of the Historic Preservation Board that got all involved as an agent for the Hulett's who came before the board? the one who was chair of the P&Z when the dreadful Lucerne was approved. That Blackman?

  7. Yes, it's the Blackman who doesn't censor posts on his blog if someone disagrees with him.

    I bet this won't be posted!

  8. Just try to adhere to policy here and yours won't be censored either. Thanks.

  9. McVoy had until the end of business Friday to put a disclaimer on his web site, with content or not. Saturday and Sunday are considered not compliant. How serious is this man about getting re-elected? Now needs to find his checkbook.

  10. what is his web site?

  11. I think Blackman calls people revisionists when they try to re-write history hoping nobody remembers what they previously wrote.
    I think that's a nice way of calling someone a liar.
