Monday, September 10, 2012

Lake Worth is trying to Improve its streets

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We have a lot of pot holed streets in Lake Worth. Every time I go down 2nd Avenue South from Dixie, I worry about my tires. After all of the rain we have been having, no sooner do you repair a hole and the fill is washed away to leave a deeper hole.

Public Services works in conjunction with the Stormwater/Streets Division to generate work orders for patching potholes; erecting street signs, regulatory signs, and other required signage. Also managed through this coordination is the maintenance of storm sewers, removal of fallen trees and limbs from the roads, and the clean up and sweeping of city roads, right-of-ways, and easements. If this is the case, $36,100 dollars is allotted for street maintenance for 2013, down nearly 4% from last year.  See page 242 of new Budget.

Katie McGiveron was fit to be tied a few weeks ago and left a strong message for the vice mayor who forwarded her pot hole repair request near her house to Jamie Brown. He took care of it immediately.  Streets Maintenance says its goal is to respond to all calls related to pot holes and make the repair using cold patch within 24 hours after receiving the complaint.

Ardy Teitsma on South Palmway came before the commission several months ago and mentioned the huge hole behind her house. Eventually the city was out there. They leveled the hole but it still is a problem.

Leveled off but still needs fill


  1. Those pictures look like alley`s not streets.

  2. Good observation that those photos are of an alley way.
    Do you always just have to show how smart you are? just wondering.
    Alley: A narrow street or passageway between or behind buildings

  3. People find the smallest things to complain about. I`m surprised they didnt complain about not having a sidewalk in their alley.

  4. I use the alley behind my house to park my car. Everyone does who lives near me. These streets should be maintained too. I don't believe it is a frivolous complaint at all. I guess you don't have a pot ridden alley behind your house. It is your complaint about my complaint that is trivial. Some people just don't care about anyone but themselves.

  5. Mr. Brown took care of our pot holes very quickly.Our vehicles thank him!Katie Mcgiveron

  6. do you guys want EVERYTHING paved???
    those rustic alley ways give good'ole lake worth its charm. the bumping and bouncing going down those alley's only make the ride on the street all the more smooooooooother. be thankful for what you have.........some towns dont even have alley ways.

  7. I think they were talking about fixing pot holes, not paving. Could be wrong though.

  8. Again! May 13, 2011...Layoffs, Streets Dept. Abolished! 12 people lost their jobs/forced to retire.

    Paving and maintenance sub contracted out to M&M Asphalt

    Susan only saw the numbers. No clue about what those people did on a daily basis! Grading Alleyways- Pothole patches (street) Sidewalk repair, Trimming trees, and Signs

  9. We had a $4.6 million shortfall then. There were early retirements in some depts. These people are probably making the same on LW taxpayers generosity (or stupidity) on their retirement checks or have found other jobs by now. Pothole maintenance was moved to the Stormwater Dept.
    You sound like a Democrat wanting to keep a bloated government even when we can't afford it or a union worker--which?

  10. Stanton only laid off people so she could surround herself with the above average management jobs that she blotted the city with..

  11. Stanton hired some top notch people while she was here and got rid of some dead wood. Nice to see that you recognize that.
