Thursday, September 20, 2012

Lake Worth Historical Resources Preservation Board

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I have always advocated building more expensive houses in Lake Worth, whenever possible, attracting the more affluent thus possibly, over time, driving out the slum and blight and increasing our tax base. Where there is poverty one often finds slum and blight.

Nothing has ever been built on 302 North Lakeside. It is surrounded by lovely houses on a wonderful street. It is owned by builder, Hector Cabrera who has built some really cute houses in our city. Tim and Elizabeth Hulett went before the Historic Planning &Zoning Board as they say that they want to build a house on the lot for their son, a structure that is not compatible to the adjacent properties. The 31 year old son even spoke before the board telling them that "I love Lake Worth."

Those who were in attendance and sat on the Historic Resources Preservation Board for that meeting were:   Herman Robinson, Loretta Sharp, and alternates Mark Clary and Jimmy Zoellner. Juan Contin was absent. Wes Blackman, Chair of the Historic Preservation Board is the agent for the Hulett's who recused himself from the proceedings. Judith Just, another member of the Board, recused herself as well as she was against the development. She lives next door to it.

The subject property is located within the Old Lucerne Local Historic District, which is also listed as a national historic district on the National Register of Historic Places. The lot is zoned Single Family Residential (SF-7) and is subject to the development standards for this district in the City of Lake Worth Zoning Code and in the City’s Comprehensive Plan. In addition, the southern 17.5-feet of the lot is encumbered by a recorded utilities easement. The City’s property files do not indicate that there have ever been any buildings constructed on the property.

Staff’s opinion was that the building height should be lowered in order for the house to be compatible in height with other adjacent buildings in the district. Staff recommended an additional overall height reduction. This height can be taken out between the first and second stories, maintaining the high ceiling heights in the buildings while creating an overall height reduction. While still leaving the home taller than other buildings in the area, the reduction would bring the building more into scale with the rest of the neighborhood.

Loretta Sharpe, newly appointed Board member wanted the Hulett's to have anything they desired even though the Huletts had met with the P&Z staff and had agreed to their recommendations of lowering the ceiling heights and taking/changing out the tower. She wanted them to have all of it, tower included, and the heck with the neighborhood even if it did not comply with the Preservation's code for visual height compatibility to the adjacent structures.

The Hulett name is well known in Palm Beach County and Greg Rice is a well known representative of Hulett Environmental, a new member of our Planning and Zoning board, and one who owns  property in Lake Worth. One unit he owns is located at The Lucerne, a building approved by Loretta Sharpe when she was previously on the P&Z several years ago and a building that is incompatible to the buildings in our downtown. It was given waiver after waiver to the developer by the P&Z. Sharp admits to being a good friend of Greg Rice. Sharp, a Realtor,  has also been a big supporter of growing the buildings up in our downtown and was against the people's referendum recently vocalizing such at the last commission meeting. Just like the Lucerne, the 302 N. Lakeside proposed building is also incompatible to the other residential houses adjacent to it.

The former appointed members of the Planning &Zoning Board were removed and replaced with political appointees by the present commission. They did the same with the Historic Preservation Board so that the commission could pack it with their political sympaticos who are developer oriented at any and all costs, even to the detriment to our historic district and the people who live there. At least Jimmy Zoellner, member of the Historic Preservation Board wanted to keep the heights per Staff's recommendation.

The proposed structure was approved 4/0. I believe that all four members who voted on this approval were contacted by the Hulett's and at least three of them met with them out of the Sunshine. Perhaps the entire Board was contacted. This is the sort of practice that happened years ago when this city was known for its corruption. Even if this is not a Florida Sunshine Law issue, it could very well be construed as an ethical issue. All private conversations should have been revealed as to the details of the meeting, where it was held, who initiated it, what was said and what was asked and what conclusions or agreements were reached by the Board members at those private one-on-one meetings.

It was stated at Tuesday night's commission meeting that all city board members have taken the Palm Beach County ethics course. They are all in compliance with the County just for having taken the course but I question whether it all sank in or whether those private meetings by the Historic Resources Planning members with the prospective owners were proper.

Perhaps this entire Board should have recused itself.


  1. I know Tim and Liz Hulett from our days together at Holy Trinity Episcopal church. They were lovely ,nice people.Demanding special treatment and variances from our laws does not sound like something Liz and Tim would do. If I am wrong,and they have tried to muscle their way into a neighborhood with an inappropriate bldg, then I can only say they must not be the same people that I used to know. Loretta Sharpe is a whole different story. Loretta is a GROWTH WHORE of the worst order.People like Loretta,who have NO REGARD for our laws should never have been let onto this board. Loretta and her ilk are the reason we have so many law suits in this city. Way to go, Mayor Triolo and Commissioners Maxwell and Amaroso. Because of you three ,we now have a board in place that has zero regard for any of our zoning laws.The growth whores now rule.And by the way,Scott,when are you going to deconstruct the CRA just like you did the P&Z? Make all of those people reapply after you have questioned their qualifications for serving on that board. If you do that,I will apply to the "new and improved" CRA .Katie Mcgiveron

  2. I agree, we need nicer homes in Lake Worth. I say start by demolishing the depressing, concentration camp looking condos on Lake Osborne, Estates and Murry Hills. Move the current residents to the neighborhoods west of Dixie and move the migrants to Belle Glade. Think of the lovely homes that can take there place, plus add a dock for boaters and fishermen.

    Polish Chris

  3. Hey Chris, you are a super cool guy, an AH but super cool and an anonymous gutless wonder. What a solution. Sounds like something right out of the Holocaust. You wouldn't know what a concentration camp looks like unless you were in a Polish concentration camp during World War II, you read about it in a book or you actually traveled out of this country and saw one first-hand. You probably haven't been anywhere but Lake Worth and you definitely have not been out on Lake Osborne where they have zero slum and blight, unlike your neighborhood and a place where the vast majority of people own their homes outright--no mortgage. Poor Chris. Falling behind on that mortgage? Jealous of people who actually have some disposable income?

  4. Well that was refreshing.... not Chris' statement, but that you stated eloquently, although biased, that the board took in all information and recommendations of staff and granted the building to be built more in line with the neighborhood.

    Sounds like your assessment of Loretta was correct and her opinion is out of place there.

    I'd like to ask Katie how the CRA board would be "de-constructed" though and just who on it she considers unqualified?

    What does she think the qualifications should be? Does she meet them?

  5. Where's your proof that the Hullets had private conversations with board members?
    More of your fantasy b.s.?
    "Loretta and her ilk are the reason we have so many lawsuits in this
    city". Really? How many lawsuits has Loretta filed? Which lawsuits are you referring too?
    "I have always advocated building more expensive homes in Lake Worth".
    Except when your hated "dirty dozen" is involved.
    This time at least 33% of the "dozen" are involved so even if the owners submitted perfect plans for a suitably sized house there you would be yapping about some corruption. So sad for you.
    It's going to be hilarious watching both your heads explode over your lack of "political power".
    It would be worth it for Maxwell to dismantle the CRA just to watch Katie's train wreck of an interview for the board. Classic.

  6. You certainly do shoot from the hip, don't you?
    It was stated at the board meeting that they met with the Hulett's.
    So now, little buddy, go home and take your little nappy and work on your personality that has been consistent, I might add.

  7. Attn Polish Chris - What are you talking about? The condos on Lake Osbourne are beautiful - trees, ducks, pools, no trash or blight! My aunt lives there and loves it! Sorry, but I do not follow your reasoning.

  8. The people on the P&Z were ALL qualified to be there.All of the people on the present CRA board are probably qualified to be on that board also.The point is,stupid ass,that ALL of the volunteer boards in this city need to be treated with the same biased brush that Triolo,Maxwell and Amaroso treated the very well qualified P&Z board with.What the three did was politacally motivated to kick Cara Jennings off of the P&Z board. Totally DISGUSTING,CRAPPY politics,Pam,Scott and Andy.VARIENCES FOR EVERYBODY!!! Why in the hell even have zoning laws to begin with when people like Loretta Sharpe are on the board?Katie Mcgiveron

  9. "Historic Preservation Board"?? Sounds like it needs a name change to go with the change in members.

    How about "Historic Neighborhood Destruction Board" or the "Pro New Development AtAnyCost Board" or the "Friends of Loretta Sharp Board" or "Members Have to Recuse Themselves AllTheTime Board" etc.

    Sad to see the corrupt old days of "good ol' boys" back in action.

  10. "The point is,stupid ass,that ALL of the volunteer boards in this city need to be treated with the same biased brush that Triolo,Maxwell and Amaroso treated the very well qualified P&Z board with."

    Not quite, idiot.... if the Tree Board, or Sister City board was making decisions that could affect the long range outlook for business in this city, you might have a point. How about that wonderful community relations board? With Pangy ole boy as its leader, we really stuck out like a sore thumb there.

    The new majority had differing opinions of how much greenspace was required at the corner of Lucerne and F St. than Cara. I found her very unprofessional at any level. L McN had no business being on that board. He was not qualified. Not so with the rest of the board. While a couple were way too green for me, they were very deliberative and thorough.

    This thread started with how the staff showed how out of character the proposed house was with nearby structures. And the complaint was that they (excepting Loretta) listened to staff and granted it with the changes staff recommended. The old board may have sent it back for more....... because they just didn't like it.

    The ethical part comes into play with the recusals of people who had business dealings. That is the way it is supposed to work. So how does that rise to "good ole boy"?

    I wish you would apply to the CRA. Maybe then you could explain to your friend how it is better to have low and moderate home owners in our low to moderate income neighborhoods, than run down, overcrowded and overgrown rentals with mix-matched roofs, fences, shrubbery, paint and windows. New homes with new home owners are good for our city and those neighborhoods. Besides, the Hulett's aren't going to build their out of character home on South D Street.

  11. If you are going to call someone an "idiot," please post under your real and complete name. Thanks.

  12. Yes,jackass,AAAAAAALL citizen volunteer boards!The way the citizens on the LEGALLY APPOINTED P&Z board were treated was insulting and rude. And Pam Triolo was clueless as to why nobody rushed to re-apply!Scott ,Pam,and Andy were so terrified of the apparently mystical,overwhelming powers of Cara Jennings that they shit-canned an entire board to get rid of one person. That sickens me. And if you were a normal human being,it would sicken you too. No normal person is going to take the time to volunteer for anything in this town.Only power hungry growth whores like Loretta Sharpe and Wes Blackman will rush to sign up now. Thanks a lot, Pam ,Andy and Scott!! Katie Mcgiveron

  13. I'm sorry Lynn for your feelings towards Ms. Sharpe. During the time I have known Loretta I have always thought she was one classy Lady, and only wants what is best for this City.

  14. I am reporting on two incidents that occurred with Ms. Sharp as a member of the HRPB and as a citizen against the referendum. This is politics. We both look at some things differently.

  15. You wrote "I believe that all four members who voted on this approval were contacted by the Huletts AND AT LEAST 3 OF THEM MET WITH THEM OUT OF THE SUNSHINE".
    I asked where's your proof? The fact that YOU BELIEVE they met out of the sunshine is not proof. Just more baseless,paranoid B.S. accusations.
    Figures you would think asking questions is considered "shooting from the hip".
    And besides you should be embarrassed writing such a poorly constructed sentence.

  16. I have answered your hysteria before. It was STATED AT THE MEETING that they were contacted and met with the Huletts, one even had dinner with them. Now go home and take your nap.

    Rather than worrying about my sentence structure, worry about your reading comprehension and getting so angry...not good for your health.

  17. Just curious: Katie, did you by chance read the back and forth posts a short time ago btw Lynn and someone from the anarchist group?
    Did you not read from the horse's mouth, what the anarchist agenda is?
    While Cara and others appointed to Boards may be thoughtful and well researched, their personal agenda still holds true for them.
    The city decided at the polls that anarchist politics are not wanted here by the majority.
    Panagiotti as chair of the CRB?
    Again, this appointments rubbed many the wrong way.
    Obviously you believe that the previous Commission's appts. were valid and good for the city.
    Others do not think the same.
    Again, a city divided, but you must realize that your views are now not shared by the majority of citizens.

  18. Anarchist views? What this commission did by taking off appointed members to boards and appointing their own WAS anarchism.

    Just having a CRB was dumb. But what that board did to Panagioti was dumber. He had a different opinion. He was one vote. But oh no, that didn't matter to that anarchist CRB board--they kicked him off as chair.

    Basically, all of politics in this city sucks. I get irritated with some decisions on both sides. Rights of volunteers and oth4er citizens have not been respected.

  19. Here we go with you boo hooing about not getting the right to vote, Give it a rest Lynn, it is on the March Ballot, and yes it is going to cost the taxpayers money but you got your right to vote. And after the meeting on Tuesday, who knows if we are even going to have to have a Special election if this turns out to be against the law, we will not have the election, and it will cost NADA.

  20. I don't plan on giving INJUSTICE and STUPID POLITICS a rest.

  21. "While Cara and others appointed to Boards may be thoughtful and well researched, their personal agenda still holds true for them".

    Loretta Sharpe,Greg Rice,Wes Blackman ,etc don't have "personal agendas"?Of course they do. Even though I don't agree with these people, I would be very upset if they were thrown off a board the way the people on our previous P&Z were thrown off.Pam,Scott and Andy had THREE openings on that board to fill. That wasn't good enough for them.Katie Mcgiveron

  22. Maybe Ms. Mcgiveron should run for a board, so she can get what she wants.

  23. As you have said MANY times before Lynn she (Ms. Sharpe) is one vote. Obviously this can not be blamed on her if it was voted on 4 to 0.

  24. I blame the entire board but Loretta Sharp was the star of the night.
