Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Heights Issue on tonight's Agenda

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A REMINDER: Tonight the city commission will have the 2nd public hearing on the building heights issue.

The Respectful Planning Lake Worth Political Committee registered with the City Clerk on June 22, 2012, and circulated a petition to place a charter amendment on a ballot regarding building height limits within certain designated downtown area. On July 23, 2012, the City Clerk delivered 1,785 petition signatures to the Supervisor of Elections for verification of sufficiency. The petition was certified on July 26, 2012, with 1,719 valid signatures and now the ballot question will go to the voters.

In accordance with the City Charter, once a petition has been certified, the Commission shall consider the proposed political committee’s ordinance within 60 days and, upon adoption, a special election will be held between 90 and 180 days.

As everyone but two people with whom I spoke wanted to maintain heights of 3 or 4 stories in our downtown, DON'T FORGET ALL YOUR HARD WORK! The Commission is not your boss and the only way they can turn this around is if you allow it to happen on election day.

The Commission voted to delay this ballot initiative until March thus costing the city $21,000. We should have been allowed to vote on it November 6. DON'T FORGET that this Commission is fiscally irresponsible even though we have a mayor who said we are heading in the right direction.

As one resident said, "It is very unfortunate that the commission majority did not respect their constituents in putting it on the ballot in November. Moving the item to March, spending $21,000 unnecessarily and trying to "educate the public" about building heights, sounds more like trying to manipulate an outcome that the commission majority wants rather than respecting the will of the people."


  1. The trio - Triolo, Maxwell, and Amoroso have told the residents just what they truly think of them, "Go away and don't bother us, we know better and we're ramming this 65' down your throats".
    Tonight they will pat themselves on their backs for putting the charter amendment on the March ballot. They're not fooling anyone. They should be recalled!

  2. How's that vision working out for the Mayor and Maxwell and Amoroso? Taking money form the reserve funds to balance the budget and now they have to find another $21000 because they insist on not letting the public vote on the heights issue in Nov.
    How can the residents respect this behavior?

  3. It's typical bullying. Has Maxwell been giving courses?

  4. I still stand 100% with the recommendations that were ACTUALLY discussed and had a majority of a Tri-Board Meeting at the Golf Course.

    We went up where it was appropriate, we keep down what was appropriate and frankly the meeting at the Golf Course DID Happen and I completely stand behind it.

    Your friend and community at large representative in now the private sector.

    Robert Waples.

  5. Where's your follow up story about how what the Respectful Planning Lake Worth Political Planning Committee Petitioners Political Height Awareness Planning Democratic Pro Voting Political PAC wanted is illegal?
    Maybe you should read Mary's blog.
    Of course you and your group don't mind spending hundreds of thousands of dollars defending frivolous lawsuits. Except of course.....

  6. Respectful Planning Political ACTION Committee.
    Anyone can say anything. I don't expect less from planners, Realtors, or anyone on a certain political side with a development agenda who resides in this city and whose desire is to see the downtown grow up for a tax base that we won't even get.
    "My" group, and I don't belong to a group, defends the rights of the people, our neighborhoods, and our charter.
    "Frivolous" lawsuits? I think I have commented on that attack before. Because you lose a suit does not mean it is frivolous. If it were frivolous, it would not have made it to an actual legal suit. To what do you refer?
